Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading:  Mark 6:6b-30

Happy Fun Friday SHINE girls!

So, we mentioned a while back that we were wanting to get ALL OF US together and participate in a 5K. Remember? :)

The time is here! 

Mark your calendars, and more importantly go online and register for this beautiful 5K in Madison, Ga on Saturday May 11th.

Let me just be clear: I will not be running it. My 8 year old daughter will be with me, so I will be walking at her pace. Which is slow. :-)

This is NOT about running fast, or finishing first...but about the FELLOWSHIP of being with each other and encouraging each other to do something possibly out of your comfort zone.

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."
 I Thess. 5:11

If you can walk, you can do this. :-)

I know many of you live out of town, and this is just not possible. If this is the case...I encourage you to get your own SHINE group together and find one in your area of town. :) Make sure to take pictures and share them with us though!

Here's the fun part: Those of you that can make it--wear YELLOW-and LOTS of it!

I'll be sporting a yellow tank top, some yellow ribbons and some yellow nail polish I found at Walmart! :)

We picked this color because it SHINES! :)

The cost is very reasonable: It's $17.00 and included a t-shirt! Yippee!

Your Fun Friday Challenge:

Register for this 5K today! Don't procrastinate...just do it! Here's the link:

The race starts at 7:30 am.....but try to get there at 7:00 am for some SHINE girl pictures!

If you have a daughter, a sister, a momma, a best friend, a hubby, a boyfriend, whoever--bring them too!

"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another."
 Proverbs 27:17

Let's show our SHINE in Madison!

Madison in May 5K 2011 {pre-SHINE girls}
{from left: Mary, Kristi, Ashley, Me, Kelly, Vicky, Stephanie, Denise, and Erin}

Email me or comment if you are planning on doing this with us!

I want to see YOUR pretty faces!!

looking for my yellow,



Monday SHINE.....


Wednesday SHINE.....