Monday SHINE....

Reading Plan for the week of 3/25-3/31:

  • Monday 3/25: Numbers 23, 24
  • Tuesday 3/26: Numbers 25, 26
  • Wednesday 3/27: Numbers 27, 36
  • Thursday 3/28: Numbers 28, 29
  • Friday 3/29: Numbers 30
  • Saturday 3/30: Numbers 31
  • Sunday 3/3: Numbers 32

Happy Monday, SHINE girls! 

We are continuing on with Numbers this week. We will be finished by next week though and moving on to Mark. {insert BIG happy smile!}

Our memory verse for this week is the 5th  Beatitude that we find in Matthew 5. {Can you believe we are already on the 5th one?} Wow!

"Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy."
Matthew 5:7

Mercy. Mercy. Mercy.

One of my favorite words in the entire English language.

Write it down, print it out, memorize it girls.

This one needs to root deep into our hearts. Way deep.

I won't keep you. Go get your Bible, read our Numbers reading, and ask for the Lord to open your heart up to some Mercy this week. 

mercy seeking.



Tuesday SHINE....


Friday SHINE.....