Friday SHINE.....

Today's Reading: Numbers 20
Saturday Reading: Numbers 21
Sunday Reading: Numbers 22

Happy Fun Friday SHINE girls! What a week! Are you glad it's Friday? Me too!

So, I left you with a LOT to chew on yesterday. Hope it went down smoothly. Mine was a little tough and chewy, but I managed. ;)

I have a really neat Fun Friday Challenge for us today! Are you ready?

To conclude our week of "hungering and thirsting for righteousness", let's  make this stick. Shall we?

Our Fun Friday Challenge:

Grab a water bottle. Any kind, any color.

Write your memory verse on a note card or a piece of paper. Or type it and print it out. My printer died, so no cute font on cute paper for me. :(

Next stick it on your water bottle with some tape, or whatever you have lying around to stick it with.

Here's my water bottle. 

Fill the bottle with water, unless it was already filled.

I want us to carry this bottle around with us all day long. Everywhere.

Keep refilling it when it's empty.

Here's the good part: Every time you take a sip from it, think about God. Think about drinking from the Living Well of His Goodness, His Mercy, His Grace, His Love.

As you are sipping on it, say out loud or in your pretty little head, our memory verse.

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled."
Matthew 5:6

I want us to get this. I want this to go deep into our parched little hearts, and root there.

I want us to be so thirsty for Him, that we cannot live without thinking of Him, and praising Him.

"You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water."
 Psalm 63:1 

Let this challenge be seared into your mind and your heart. Never forget our gaping need for His filling.

Our souls are dry as a bone without Him.

"But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.ā€
 John 4:14

Get refreshed today, girls.

sipping from His well,



Monday SHINE....


Thursday SHINE.....