Monday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Psalm 115

Happy Monday, SHINE girls! Tomorrow is the start of a new day...and a new year! Wow!

Two things and I will let you go on your merry little New Years Eve way.

First, I don't have our reading plan for the week yet. I only have today posted. As soon as I get it, I will post it here on the website. 

Secondly, we have our Monday Memory verse! I prayed that the Lord would show me a verse that would be fitting to start this New Year with. 

He showed me Psalm 119:105:

"Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path."
Psalm 119:105

SHINE is all about reading His Word, daily. So, what better scripture than this one? His Word is our lamp, it is our light. It is our everything.

I made a pretty little printable below with our scripture this week. Print it out if you want, or write it down in your little notecard book we talked about a few weeks ago. :)

I will not have cute, pretty little printables every week. I just had a little extra time today and put this little ditty together. :) 

Okay, girls! Go, read, pray and get ready to ring in the New Year! 

celebrating a new year to worship our Savior,


If you click on this, 
you can print it out, share it on twitter,
or on facebook. 
pretty cool, huh?
 oh, the things you find on the internet.
(can you tell I have been lazy this weekend?)

Prayer Requests and Praises for January 2013....


Friday SHINE....