Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Luke 24
Weekend Reading: Isaiah 53 & Psalm 22

Happy Fun Friday, SHINE girls! Wow, it is so good to be back and to write to you sweet girls!

I sure hope your Christmas was overflowing with goodness! Besides the sickness that hit our house the week of Christmas, we had a wonderful week full of precious memories!

Today, we finish our reading in Luke. As we read about the death and resurrection of Jesus, I am reminded of another year ending and a new year beginning.

I love the start of a new year. It's a clean slate. A fresh start.

Don't you just love that?

A few years ago, I did a bible study. I remember this sentence as clear as a bell: 

"You are who you've been becoming."

That sentence stuck with me and continues to stick with me.

It's powerful.

At the time, it was like a huge light bulb went off in my head. "Who am I becoming?? Do my daily actions and routines embody who I want to become?"

Sometimes we get stuck. We are creatures of habit, so we do the same things over and over. Even when we derive no benefit from it.

Sometimes it just takes a very conscious action on our part to change. We just have to make the decision and do it. Period.

What is it that needs to be changed in your life? What in your life needs a major tune-up or maybe even needs to be totaled out all together?

If you are not sure, pray about it. Ask God to show you what needs some re-assessing. He will.

Our Fun Friday Challenge:

Think about who you've been becoming over this past year. Is this person the person that you desire to become? Or is it just something that has creeped up on you because you have not put the effort into making a change.

I know this is not an easy challenge. However, we need to be challenged in a real way. An honest way. It keeps us sharp and it keeps us polished.

We need to SHINE for Him, right?

"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, 
and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
Matthew 5:16

tuning up, 



Monday SHINE....


Monday SHINE.....