Tuesday SHINE....

Today's Reading: John 14

Happy Tuesday, SHINE girls! How is your memorization going? I bet you already have that verse memorized, don't you! Smart girls, you are! :)

Today, we continue with our SHINE girl serving stories. Yay!

I am thrilled to introduce to you my friend, Ashley Moon. Ashley is one of my favorite people ever! She inspires me more than she will ever know. Not only that, but she is beautiful, sweet and oh so funny! Yeah, like big time. :)

Ashley posted her story a few months ago here on SHINE. If you haven't read it, you need to go and check it out. OH, so good. 

Be blessed by Ashley's serving story. I know you will!

My Story
by: Ashley Moon
Ashley and her youngest cutie--Jett 
My beautiful sweet friend Jill planted a little seed in my head a few months ago about this elementary school volunteer program for young girls. So a good friend of mine and I talked and prayed about taking on this interesting project that we knew nothing about together. 
We did some background checks, training and had a few meetings before we dove right in and let me just tell you all; the very small commitment I have made has given me SO much joy! 
We talk with these nine precious little girls every Wednesday about such adult things and they are always eager to learn and ready to listen. Even in times where I feel not-so-close to GOD, I still see HIM working in my-so-called life and I just love Him for that. 
These nine girls, who we thought we would have a hard time even remembering their names, have such a special place in my heart today. I so badly want them to make SMART choices in their everyday lives and I want them to always do well and be happy!! My only hope is that talking with them and sharing some real truth with them will help them in the future. 
Melissa and Ashley
SMART Girl Leaders
     Sometimes when everything is crazy and you don’t think you’re doing anything that matters, you can be making a BIG difference and not even know it. It’s kind of strange how things like that happen, but I am very blessed to be a part of the SMART Girls program and to be doing it with such an amazing woman…. Melissa Martin, you are just the best. Also, Jill thanks for being such an amazing person in my life, He knew I needed a friend like you.  

Last but not Least (by all means) Dear Heavenly Father….. A huge shout out to You for being an Awesome GOD and always leading me in the direction I need to be in!!
In his Love, 
Ashley Moon


Wednesday SHINE.....


Monday SHINE....