Monday SHINE....

Weekly Reading Plan for the week of 11/26-12/2

  • Monday 11/26: John 13
  • Tuesday 11/27: John 14
  • Wednesday 11/28: John 15
  • Thursday 11/29: John 16
  • Friday 11/30: John 17
  • Saturday & Sunday: John 18 & 19
Happy Monday, SHINE girls! How was your long weekend? I hope it was super duper fabulous--just like all of YOU!

So, I want to share something with you girls in hopes that you will be on board with doing this with me. (fingers crossed)

My kids and I started a Memory Verse Monday tradition last year. (remember, I love daily traditions?!) ;)

Every Monday, I write on a 3x5 note card a scripture for us to memorize. By Friday, we say the verses out loud without looking) to each other and give high fives! (sometimes I give them a special little treat, but not always.)

I feel the Lord tugging at my heart to share the Memory Verses with all of you SHINE girls. 


Well, I believe that we need to be armed and ready with His living, breathing, active Word at all times! We may not always have our bibles, bible apps, note cards, etc. with us. We need His word to be hidden in our little hearts ready and waiting to share, encourage, and edify someone.

I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11

I want us SHINE girls to take it to the next level. Big things are found at the next level. I can just feel it!

Here's how it will work: 

I will post a memory verse each Monday. Write it down on a piece of paper, note card, type it in your phone...whatever works for you.

Say it daily until you have it memorized. You will not believe how it will change your day. It will push us to meditate on His Word in our days. 

There are a whole lot of words thrown at us in any given day. Most of them are not holy, wholesome, and pure. We need His Word to combat the unholy words in our lives. Words are powerful.

Nothing is more powerful than His Word, though. Nothing.

Are you with me?

Let's be accountable together for this. Call a friend and have her do it with you. Just last week, I tucked our Memory Verse scripture in Lem's car before he left for work. 

I had no idea that he even saw it until he shared with me that he had used that scripture as an example in his middle school small group that he leads! Wow! I had NO idea!

Here is a little hint to help the memorization: Write it down everywhere you are. For example, I will write it on my mirror with a dry erase marker, on my kitchen chalkboard, and on my daily calendar. Then, I leave the little 3x5 note card in my car at all times. If you are in your car as much as I am, this helps the MOST! :)

Let's do this girls! Take this leap to the next level with me. You won't believe how His Word will mold your pretty little heart and change your thinking. Truly, it will. 

Here's our first Memory Verse, girls:

Fitting for our first verse, right? :)

The fun part: SHOUT out to me when you have it memorized! Email me, call me, text me, tweet me..let me know so that I can celebrate with you! That's what SHINE friends are for! :)

stretching and growing with you,



Tuesday SHINE....


Prayer Requests/Praises for the week of 11/25-12/9.......