Wednesday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Matthew 23

Happy Worship Wednesday, SHINE girls!! Oh, and Happy Halloween!!

If you know me, you know that I LOVE this time of year! Every October I get all of my Halloween decorations out and spend the whole day decorating while the kids are at school.

The MOST fun thing in the world is surprising them and seeing their faces when they walk through the door after school. They LOVE seeing the house all tacky with black and orange Halloween stuff everywhere...and I do mean, everywhere! ;) Don't believe me? Come see for yourself! 

Okay, so what does this post have to do with our reading in Matthew? Ummm, well nothing I suppose. I just wanted to share a little of my heart with all of you precious SHINE sisters. 

Well, actually, on second thought--there is a point to this post. :)

Today is Worship Wednesday. How do I worship the Lord most days? Not just in music that I jam out to in the car, but in loving the living daylights out of my family! Relate? I know you can! 

Aren't we worshiping Him when we treasure and find JOY in the peeps He puts into our lives to take care of? This is worshiping Him, right? :)

Worship Him today, girls. Worship Him in all you do by doing it ALL with a smile and giving Him all the praise!

I love you, and I LOVE worshiping our Lord and Savior right along with you!

celebrating Him,


**Here's a few past Halloween memories in hopes to put a little smile on your pretty little faces:

My little Halloween babies

my handsome hunk--with a mullet :)

Indiana Jones (doing the Elvis lip curl) &
 Super girl

we LOVE trick or treating!

my spider girl!

oh, now this brings tears!
look how little!

snow white (presley) &
the big ugly witch--me! :)

yes, we all get into the fun!

a happy witch and skeleton boy

country bumpkin and pirate girl

Wilma and Fred (Lem and Me!)
Super girl shows off her strength


Thursday SHINE....


Tuesday SHINE....