Thursday SHINE.....

Today's Reading: Matthew 14

Happy Serve Day Thursday, SHINE girls!  Ask the Lord to show you the way(s) you can serve today. Tune in to His work. It's is so incredible that the Lord can use us to bless others and it's a blessing to us as well. He could just DO his work without us, but, He uses us which increases our faith... thank you, Father!

Ok, speaking of Serve Day Thursday, how much do y'all love and appreciate Jill!? She serves us and leads us each day, faithfully. OH Boy! How SHINE has grown my walk with the Lord this year! Thank you, Jilly, we hope you are resting well with your family on fall break this week! :)

Okay... So, are you girls on fall break, too? Have y'all been enjoying Matthew this week? I have! What about these long chapters filled with goodness and parables from our Lord? If you have taken a few days off, I encourage you to take a little time with the Lord and a warm mug of coffee or tea and catch up. :)

Today, we read of the death of John the Baptist.

Oh. My. Goodness.

Can you imagine? Matthew 14:13 tells us that the Lord withdrew. 

That kind of says it all, don't you think?

I know exactly what that is like, don't you? We are good at withdrawing, when we are wounded and when we are hurting. Verse 14 tells a story of active faith. Jesus withdraws for only a short time until He is called back out to lead, serve and heal.

Last week, I wrote to y'all of my recent heartache and the testing of my faith. In all of my grief, I think of Jesus, hearing that his cousin, John, was murdered in such a horrendous way.
John was dear to Jesus.
Jesus grieved and then Jesus got right back to living His faith and leading others.

This really speaks to me, does it speak to you?

Will we withdraw? It's human nature. But for days..., weeks..., months...., years...?

Like Jesus--- Will we withdraw and then see God's children all around us and get back to the business of the Lord's work?

Life doesn't stop for grief. In his humanity, Jesus grieved. I love that about Jesus. It makes me feel validated.

Jesus got right back on the horse, though, Jesus saw the bigger canvas, of leading other. I love that about Jesus. It makes me feel challenged.

This morning, we are waiting to hear about pathology reports for my college roommate, Erin. She has just been diagnosed with cancer at 37 and we are learning that it has already spread, the results of this PET scan test will tell us what kind of cancer, where all it is and what we are in for in terms of -fighting the cancer fight. She has a new baby, too. He is 2 weeks old today.

First instinct for me?

Withdrawing far away. To be sad, to weep and hurt...

But no. I refuse. 

Lord, I know you hurt. It makes me feel so much better to know that you understand my hurt and fears. I am so encouraged that your own retreat was only short lived as you still sought to heal our wounds, feed us and teach us, your needy sheep.  Bless Erin, Lord. I pray that you show us Your Glory through her road to healing and recovery. Thank you being our Healer. Reveal Yourself to Erin and everyone who knows Erin through this, Father, and show us the way. Make our path straight, In Jesus' name. Amen.

Still Shining, (no matter what)

Rebekah :)

Friday SHINE....


Monday SHINE....