Monday SHINE....

Reading Plan for the week of 10/15-10/19:

Good morning, sweet SHINE girls! This week will be different from any other week before here on  SHINE. My family and I are on Fall break and will be heading out of town soon. (insert a big Yay!!)

So, since I am never sure how my Internet service will be out of town, I am taking this week off from posting. (i really am!....although, don't be surprised if I check in on you!) ;)

However, here is the deal:

  • we still have to read our daily reading. (yes!)
  • please continue to visit the prayer page for special requests and/or to pray over your fellow SHINE sisters (thank you!)
  • you may discuss the reading under this post if you would like. (lots of goodness to discuss!)
  • take this week to catch up if you have fallen behind. (you can do it!)
  • continue SHINE-ing bright for Jesus in all you do! (you are a blessing to all around you!)
Are we clear?

Okay, so if you have anything that jumps out of you in the reading, please discuss here under this post. We LOVE to hear your sweet feedback and insight!

I love this verse from our reading today. Ask the Father how to apply this to your life right now. It's such LIFE to a weary little heart. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30

Are you needing some rest, sweet girl? Go to Him. He's waiting for you.

missing you already,



Thursday SHINE.....


Prayer Requests and Praises for the week of 10/14-10/20