FUN Friday Surprise.....

Okay, girls, I have a little FUN Friday surprise for YOU!

Are you ready?

Oooh, I am so excited to announce this!

a monogrammed small note book!

Here is the inside!

Who wants to win this AWESOME SHINE girl give-away??

And YES, it comes MONOGRAMMED! (with YOUR initials, of course!)

Want a bigger surprise?

We are giving away not one, not two, but THREE!!!

Brandy Allgood, with Uppity Designs, has so generously offered these to our awesome SHINE sisters!

You can even pick your fabric! Hello! Is she great or what?

So, here is how you win...

In keeping with our "keeping it simple" day, tell us something simple that you just LOVE.

For example, mine is wildflowers.

Just put your name, your current favorite "simple" thing under this post, and that's all!

As always, if you are not able to comment, shoot me an email at and I will post your "simple" thing for you!

Drawing will be next get your comments in quick!

Ready, set, GO!!!!

Happy Weekend, my friends!

"Rejoice in the Lord always. 
I will say it again...REJOICE!" Phil. 4:4


Prayer Requests and Praises week of 6/23-6/30...


Friday SHINE....