Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading: Philemon

Happy Fun Friday, SHINE girls!

I want you to know something today.

  • You are not overlooked.
  • You are beautiful.
  • You are special.
  • You were knitted together detail by detail by the Lord.
  • You were created for a purpose.
  • You are the apple of the Lord's eye.

Do you know this about yourself?

Yesterday, Presley and I were taking a morning walk in our neighborhood. When we came to a stopping point, I told her to close her eyes and listen to God's Voice and feel His Presence in her surroundings.

We heard birds chirping, leaves rustling, and felt the wind gently caress our faces.

After about a minute, she opened her eyes and said, "Mommy, thank you for not bringing your cell phone on our walk. It would have started beeping or ringing and would have completely ruined our quiet!"

She was so right.

Sometimes, I wonder what I miss when I surround myself with so many distractions. Yesterday, I would have missed the most peaceful and Spirit-filled moment of my day.

As Presley and I continued on our walk, we picked the most beautiful wild flowers. These flowers have been growing here forever, but we never really stopped to notice them before. They were somehow overlooked.

our lovely wild flowers.

Hear me when I say this: the simple things in life are the most beautiful, and often the most overlooked.

Are you feeling overlooked, somehow?

Precious friend, you are the pride and joy of your Heavenly Father. Believe me when I tell you that He is one proud Daddy. He loves all of the intricate little details of you. Every single one.

"For you created my inmost being; 
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb." Psalm 139:13

Roll around in that for just a second. Feel it wrap around you like a warm blanket. Oh, sweet friend, He loves you so.

Today's Challenge:

Look around you and notice the simple things today. As you go about your day, stop for a minute, turn off your phone, and listen to the Lord speak to you in your surroundings.

Close your eyes if you can, and inhale the scent of your Heavenly Father's aroma beckoning for your engagement.

You will be completely amazed by the things you notice today. The things you often overlook, will suddenly come into focus.

seeking the simple,


"You will seek me and find me 
when you seek me with all your heart.
 "I will be found by you",
 declares the Lord." Jeremiah 29:13


FUN Friday Surprise.....


Thursday SHINE....