Weekday SHINE give-away 4/23-4/28....

Guess what, girls?!

We have a surprise weekday SHINE give-away!

Your fellow SHINE sister, Gloria Plunkett, is donating a wonderful gift for Mother's Day! You will want this prize! I cannot wait to give it to our winner! YAY!!!

Also, we have a little something extra to go with it! Two gifts this time, girls! (since we are celebrating Mother's Day and all) :)

Are you excited?

Me too!

So, here is all you need to do to win...

Tell us something about your Mother!

You can tell us anything! It can be as long or short as you want it to be!

Make sure to leave your name with your comment below this post.

Example: Jill Hill--My momma was and still is a giver and not a taker. She taught me to put God first in all that I do. She also taught me (and is still teaching me) unconditional love. 

Got it?

That was a true statement above, by the way! I just love my sweet Momma.

I will draw a name at the end of the week.

Ready, set, go!

Momma & Me <3


Tuesday SHINE....


Monday SHINE....