Monday SHINE....

Reading Plan for week of 4/23-4/27:

  • Monday 4/23: Job 3
  • Tuesday 4/24: Job 4
  • Wednesday 4/25: Job 5
  • Thursday 4/26: Job 6
  • Friday 4/24: Job 7

Good morning, SHINE girls! We have a brand new week to start! How awesome is that?

I love how we get a fresh start every single day. God knew that we would need it! (especially me!)

I want to pray over your week and you sweet lives today. Monday is a good time to set our compass for the week. Setting it on God keeps our perspective clear and on track.

If we were in a big room, I would tell you to grab your SHINE sisters by the hand, close your eyes and go to the Lord in prayer. :-)

But, we are separated by a computer screen. Shoot. Well, it's ok. God is bigger than a computer screen! Yay!

So, here we go....

Dear Lord,

Thank you for this new day! We love starting a fresh week with you! We cannot wait to see the wonderful blessings you have in store for us this week.

Please forgive us of our sins. Cleanse our hearts and purify our minds. We confess any sin that is keeping us from being close to you and truly hearing your Voice. We long to hear your Voice. 

Lord, speak to us through your servant Job. Show us how we can learn from his faith and trust in You. Your Word is living and active! It applies to us even in this very moment!

Give us spiritual eyes to see what You see. Let us be led by the Holy Spirit, and help us to die to our flesh. Let us be convicted of any areas that we need to change, Father. 

We give you our calendars and our plans. Rearrange them to fit YOUR plans, Father. Thank you for what You will show us this week!

Bless us, protect us, heal us, restore us, cleanse us, purify us. Not only us, but our loved ones. We request these blessings on their behalf as well. Thank you.

In Jesus' name, 



Weekday SHINE give-away 4/23-4/28....


Discussions for Week of 4/22-4/29.....