Thursday SHINE EXTRA....

Okay, girls. I have a picture of our Weekday Give-away Prize! Are you ready?

First of all, I want to say a HUGE thank you to fellow SHINE girl, Michelle Chapman. She was going to donate this prize, however the sweet girl that made the necklace for Michelle, offered to donate it to SHINE girls!

So, thank you Kerry Wood with Rags Clothing and Michelle Chapman for your awesome generosity!

The drawing will be held tomorrow, but I wanted you girls to have a sneak peak at the prize! You must comment under the weekday give away post first, found here.  Got it? 

The challenge was to tell someone about the 1000 blessings challenge that we are doing here on SHINE!

Shout it to your facebook peeps, twitter it, tell someone, text someone...whatever you want to do! Just spread the word and encourage someone else to notice their blessings daily! :-)

Here's the gorgeous hand-made necklace the lucky winner will receive in tomorrow's drawing:

Isn't it beautiful?
Go and check out her amazing website and" like" her fb page:
So many awesome things!

Okay, there's the prize, now go and comment!


Friday SHINE....


Thursday SHINE.....