Friday SHINE....

Today's Reading: 2 Samuel 18

Happy Friday, SHINE girls! Are y'all excited about the weekend?

Me too!

Two things for you today. Ready?

First, our Friday Challenge! For all of you brand-spankin'-new SHINE girls--we have a little challenge that we try to do every single Friday. It's something different every week.

So, here's what I want you to do today. Go, get your calendar--if you have one. Or if your calendar is on your smart phone, get your phone. (warning--don't get side-tracked with Facebook or checking your email while doing this) *smile*

Okay, got it? If you don't have any kind of calendar, well, I personally want to meet you so that you can tell me how in the world you remember anything. Seriously, that's impressive. If you are one of those awesomely cool non-calendar can still pray this prayer over the rest of us bound-to-our-calendar girls.

Now, with your calendar in hand, let's pray.


Dear Lord, 

I ask that you guide me through this day. Let anything that I have planned take second place to Your will for me. Let every minute be directed by you. If there is anything on my schedule that is not something that You do not want me to do, please make this very clear to me. 

Father, I ask that my focus be on You and You alone as I submit my day to you. You gave me this day. You have a purpose for me today. You have a purpose for me every day. 

Lord, let not one minute go by that is not ordained by you today. Direct and order my steps from this moment forward. 

I trust You. I believe you. I love you. 

I give my schedule to you, Lord.

Thank you for being Lord of my time. Thank you for being in every detail of my day. 

In the precious name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

I've just started doing this girls. Submitting my calendar to Him. Like really submitting it to Him every morning.

It's made a big difference. Huge.

The first day that I did it, I noticed that my day seemed longer. I kept looking up at the clock going--wow, time seems like it is moving slower. Seriously.

Normally, I am running to keep up with the clock.

Okay, so the second thing is this: Weekday Give-away Drawing will be this afternoon! Stay tuned in later today to see who the winner is! Yay! You still have some time to enter....go here to enter!

Keep SHINE-ing girls! You are just glowing with His love!

It's such a beautiful sight!

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails."
 Proverbs 19:21

handing over my calendar,


a little Friday funny.
this is totally how i feel most days.
 exactly why I need God to guide my days! :-)


Friday SHINE Winner.....


Thursday SHINE EXTRA....