Saturday SHINE....

Happy Saturday, SHINE! 

No scheduled reading for the weekend. So, catch up if you need to. 

Today, I have the HUGE honor of introducing one of my favorite women in the whole world. 

Jamie Miles.

Jamie at Door
here she is! 

If I have ever aspired to be like someone, it is Jamie. 

She is a wife, a momma, a runner, and a writer.  (just to name a few)

Most of all, she is the coolest, most laid-back girl on the planet. No frills, no fuss, just pure Jamie. 

She has an awesome blog here. Check it out, and get to know her even more. 

To know her is to love her. 

Enjoy, girls.

SHINE post
by Jamie Miles

Guess it’s time for me to Shine.
Don’t feel like the shiny type anymore but I’ll take a washcloth and rub off some of this tarnish and see how it goes.
I met Jill this year through our morning running group. She is in person just as she blogs. Warm, affirming, beautiful inside and out and full of love for her Lord.
When she asked me to share, I said sure. Now as I sit here, let’s see what He wants me to convey.
Don’t know if you got a chance to read Erin Spink’s post last Thursday, but if you didn’t please do. It touched on something I said during an early morning run (like 5:15 early) with a friend a few hours before.
Chatting along through the dark streets of Madison, taking glimpses of that awesome moon, we talked of the upcoming break. I mentioned how I so look forward to spending a few days with my sister.
Her home is a typical Florida house. The back has large floor to ceiling glass doors that open to a pool deck and lake.
I spoke of sitting outside in the warm Florida morning, holding a mug of steaming coffee, hopefully catching a glimpse of an egret stalking the shoreline for breakfast. Listening to the quiet, smelling the hint of salt in the air, feeling the breeze as it washes over my bare feet (and chartreuse toenails).
Pretty simple huh.
We crave simplicity because in those still moments we can rest, sit in love and just be in God’s presence.
No searching involved. When we unplug – tune out to tune in – He is there.
He is there all the time, of course. In the hustle, in the chaotic running around of this faster and faster paced world we live in.
He is there in the weight and darkness of marriages that are crumbling, lost jobs and zero bank balances and children who are running fast the wrong way.
Yet, when we calm a bit and open our eyes to the simple yet profound beauty before us -- the veil is removed and we see.
We feel.
I wish that for you today. A cozy spot, indoors or out. A moment of peace to refill and recharge.
Like Erin reminded us…it’s so simple, yet so profound.
He was, He is and He forever will be….
With me.
With you.
With us. 

Reading Plan for week of 3/12-3/16.....


Friday EXTRA SHINE....