Reading Plan for week of 3/12-3/16.....

Reading Plan for Week of 3/12-3/16:
  • Monday 3/12: 2 Samuel 4
  • Tuesday 3/13: 2 Samuel 5
  • Wednesday 3/14: 2 Samuel 6
  • Thursday 3/15: 2 Samuel 7
  • Friday 3/16: 2 Samuel 8

Happy Sunday, SHINE!

We have a FUN week planned! Since my family and I will be on Spring Break, I hope to have a week filled with guest bloggers. (still working on the line-up, but hopefully everything will pan out!)

Guess what else?

We have ANOTHER weekday-give-away!! 

Yes! One of your super awesome fellow SHINE girls has a very cool prize for one lucky little winner!

You can't see me, but I am totally doing a toe-touch over here!

I LOVE gifts! Especially giving them away!

So, stay tuned into SHINE this week, girls. You will not want to miss out on the fabulous things we have planned!

Also, don't forget that you can sign up to receive SHINE by email. If you do this--your little SHINE email will come straight to your little computer or phone every morning around 7:00 am. It's a great reminder of your daily reading.

 You will never miss a thing!

Stay in the WORD this week girls. Make time to do your reading. You will be so glad you did. 

His Word is what gives up power for each day. 

Not sure about you, but I could use some power every single day!

love you BIG,



SHINE weekday-give-away 3/11-3/16....


Saturday SHINE....