Weekday Give Away 1/23-1/27....

Guess what?

We have another weekday give-away! Yay!

**confetti, lights, more confetti, more lights!!**

Here's what you have to do:

Tell us something about your life that makes you KNOW that God has a sense of humor.

It can be anything. Yep, anything.

We can take ourselves WAY too seriously, so let's have a little fun!

The winner will be drawn this Friday.

One of our fellow SHINE girls is donating the prize for this week's give away. How cool is that??

I will tell you the awesome prize on Friday when the winner is drawn.

So, come on girls...don't be shy!

(we played this at the SHINE party on Sunday, it was JaNice's idea, and we loved it!)

Have fun, girls!

Please put all comments under this post, thank you!


SHINE Spotlight....


Monday SHINE....