Monday SHINE....

Today's reading 1 Samuel 16:

As I sat down to read 1 Samuel this morning, I was anxious to see what would happen next.  We left off with Saul losing God's favor over lack of obedience.

As the chapter unfolded this morning, I was drawn in to the events taking place. Oh, man, did the Lord speak to me this morning through this chapter.

What stands out the most is this verse:

"But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7

Girls! Does this resonate in your hearts?

How many days have I been so caught up with my outward appearance? How much have I spent on trying to "look" like what the world expects me to look like?

Do we not try to please others with how we look, how we dress, how we "appear" because of the standards the world has set for us as women?

Okay, if this doesn't resonate with you, how about this:

Do we try to look as if we have it all together spiritually? We go to church, attend a bible study, memorize a few verses, tell people we are praying for them....

But, girls, what is the condition of our hearts?

What's going on in these little hearts of ours? The part of us that others cannot see. The part of us that truly defines who we are.

God is only concerned about the heart, sweet loves.

Girls, if we can truly get this, lives will start changing. God's hand will start moving like never before.

What's going on in that pretty little heart of yours?

Tell the Lord today that you want a purified heart. You want a heart that pleases him. You want a heart like our friend, David.

The great news is, we are on our way girls. We are soaking ourselves in the Word of God, which brings a heart change like no other.

We can sometimes be blind to our own hearts, because we are so conditioned by this world. However,  God's Word brings truth and gentle conviction. Praise Him.

My prayer every day over my husband is this: "Please let Lem have a heart like David's, the wisdom of Solomon and the faith of Abraham."

It all begins and ends with the heart, girls.

Let's pray for a heart like David's for ourselves. A heart that reflects the Glory of the Lord in all that we do.

craving a changed and purified heart,



Weekday Give Away 1/23-1/27....


Prayer requests and praises 1/23-1/27....