Thursday SHINE....

Today's reading 1 Samuel 19:

Happy Thursday, SHINE girls! Can you believe we have made it this far in our reading?

I am so proud of each of you! You are SHINEing so bright, girlfriends!

Okay, Lisa Inlow will be guest-blogging again today. Aren't ya excited?

Last week, I didn't have a chance to properly introduce her. So, here goes.

I met Lisa through my precious (twin) friends Mary and Rebekah. Lisa is the sister of Mary and Rebekah's sister-in-law, Leslie.

Got that? Ok, good, I will quiz you later. :)

When I met Lisa, I was fascinated by her. I sat across the table from her at Chili's and listened to her speak and was absolutely blown away by her wisdom and her candor. My walk with the Lord was less than good at that time in my life--so she was just the inspiration that I needed to get me back on track.

Soon after, she and I started having lunch dates at Chili's, and our friendship grew. She has given me such guidance and wisdom through these last couple of years of my life.

Lisa is my own personal mentor. God sent her to me at just the right time.

If you don't have a "Lisa" in your life...I encourage you to pray for the Lord to send you one. Everyone needs a "Lisa" to encourage them in their daily walk with the Lord. Seriously, go pray right now.

Lisa and I discovered that we share the same birthday soon after our friendship started. That's when I KNEW that the Lord had hand-picked her to be in my life. Wow. What a gift.

(our birthdays are January 31--next Tuesday..just in case you were wondering. not a hint or anything, just a little FYI.) wink, wink.

Oh, and she is also one of our SHINE prayer intercessors. Yep, she is. Aren't we blessed?

So, now that you have a little insight on Lisa, read her post and soak up the wisdom from her beautiful heart.

Hide His Words 
by Lisa Inlow

1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NLT)  Never stop praying.

Proverbs 22:6 (NLT)  Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. 

I'm going to ask y'all a question I ask myself.  If I don't pray for my kids, daily, who will?

Another thing I ask myself.  If I am not reading God's word to my kids, who is?

So let's break it down in a momma's day.  We have a lot to do.  We look at the clock about 30,000 times because we are thinking about carpool, naps, snacks, lunch, carpool again.  We are busy girls.  Throw in the dryer constantly buzzing...

I will just tell y'all some things I do.  I strive to do one or some of these things daily.  I will admit, I fail, miserably.  But I get back to it and strive.

Breakfast, you have a captive audience.  If you have littles at home, one or all are contained in a seat with a strap, right?!   Get your Bible out, or log onto and read the Proverb of the day, (Proverbs has 31 chapters, one for each day of the month) or read your SHINE passage from 1 Samuel.

Can't get through the whole chapter, fine.  Read what you can.  One, 2, 5, 8 verses...doesn't matter.  Just open God's Word and read it to your kids.

A question is often asked to me. "They won't understand, my kids are 18 mos and 3."  I believe God's word is breathing.  Living.  Inhale.  Exhale.  As I like to say, I believe the Father speaks Max and Jenna.  Meaning, I believe he speaks their language.  For real.  We don't think the Almighty's words can speak to the heart of a little one?

Matthew 19:14 (NLT)  But Jesus said, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”

Just this morning I read the story of David and Goliath to my son while he ate breakfast.  He is 6 1/2 and don't you know he listened and said "wow" a lot!  We connected over God's Word.  Then in the car I talked to him about David's faith in the Lord.

Let me stop here and say this.  I am not a scholar.  For heaven's sake, I had to drop out of High School and get my GED.  So if you're thinking, "I can't teach my kids the Bible"....just tell them what you get out of the passage you are reading.  Don't over-think!  (oh we all do it!)

Our children don't expect us to have all the answers.  Let the Lord handle that.  Just start reading.  They ask you questions you don't know the answer too?  Tell them you don't know, but that you will try and find the answer.  How to find the answer?  Google it.  I'm totally serious.  Pray, ask the Father to give you wisdom as you teach your (HIS, actually) children the Word of God.

Pray!!  Try to read Psalm 91 each day.  Or quote Psalm 23 or 1 Corinthians 13 as a prayer.  Or simply, talk to the Lord together.

In August 2009 my oldest started pre-school.  So I wrote Psalm 91 out on a piece of paper and would read it on our way to school at red lights.  Stop at the light, pick it up, read, typically finishing up in the carpool line.

One day as I was reading at a light, it turned green and I had to put my paper down.  Y'all ready for this??  He started quoting the next verse!  Barely 4 years old, quoting God's word from memory!  Why?  Because he kept hearing it day after day.

We still quote it, and little sister has joined us.  Don't y'all know I choke up a lot of mornings hearing those voices in my backseat.

All I did was write it on a piece of paper and read it at red lights.  HE did the rest.

What about writing Scriptures on 3X5 cards.  Read them to your kids before bed, at the breakfast table, again while sitting in traffic.  Keep them in your purse or tucked in your visor or console.

We can do this SHINE girls.  We HAVE to do this!!

A quick story before I close this post.  My mother gave her heart to the Lord when she was pregnant with me. An older woman (Titus 2 in action) reached out to my mom. She saw a young woman with 2 daughters and one on the way, in an extremely difficult marriage. A word of wisdom this lady, Mrs. Tannehill, gave my mom was to read the Proverb of the day, daily, aloud to my sisters and me. When my mother responded, "but they won't understand what I'm reading", Mrs. Tannehill wisely replied, "do we teach our children English, or do they learn it because it's all they've ever heard?"


Thursday, again....


Wednesday SHINE....