Thursday, again....

Ok, girls. It's me again.

Yes, second post in one day, but who's counting?

Two things.

First, please make sure that you all post your prayer requests on the "prayer request" page. Prayer is POWERFUL.  I mean, I can't say it enough. Prayer changes things. Period.

On that thought, I was driving home from the kid's school today when I had a God light bulb. I love these!

He reminded me of a time when I was desperate for answers and desperate for a word from Him. During that particular season, I had prayed, and prayed, and prayed my little heart out.

I felt frustrated though. I knew God could hear me, but I was not hearing from Him.

Okay, well, He showed me something during this time.

This is what He showed me: " My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:12-13

What does this mean to me?

Well, I had been praying up a storm...for myself. Or, if not for myself, for things (or certain people) that would "benefit" me.


Don't get me wrong...there is NOTHING wrong with praying for ourselves! God wants us to do that! He wants to hear our cries.

However, the miracle for me came, when I started "laying down my own life" for others around me. Meaning--setting "me" to the side, and pouring my prayer life into "others".

Let me repeat...praying about something for yourself is a very GOOD thing! God loves when we come to Him and lay our heart out before His throne.

The cream comes, however, when our concern for others trumps our concerns for ourselves.

"Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others." 1 Corinthians 10:24.

Girls, hear this. Don't miss this.

If you have a friend desperate to hear from the Lord, be a "Johnathon", and tell her this message.

If you are the one that is desperate to hear from Him, start pouring your prayers into someone else right this very second. Pray scripture and truth over them.

I think God reveals Himself to us when we do this, because it goes against the very grain of our flesh. Doesn't it?

Get on your knees, dear friend, for someone today. Say their name out loud to the Father every day. Wait and see what the Lord does.

 Get ready, friend.

Okay, secondly, go to the "weekday give-away" post and comment! The drawing for the weekday give-away is tomorrow afternoon. So, go and post before you forget! Who doesn't like a freebie?

back to the laundry,



Friday SHINE....


Thursday SHINE....