Saturday SHINE...

It's the weekend,  SHINE girls! Celebrate!

Remember, we don't have reading on the weekend, but I encourage you to stay in His word if you can. It will only bless you.

Just a few things...

I will post next week's reading plan tomorrow sometime so that you will have it for Monday morning. So, be sure to check the blog to get it.

Secondly, thank you for sharing your hearts through your prayer requests and praises. Rest assured, we are praying for you. In fact, we have about 8 girls (our SHINE prayer intercessors) (plus all the other SHINE girls) that are checking the blog daily and lifting your needs to the Father's throne.

Even if a comment is not made in reply to your request, be sure that it is being lifted up sweet friend.

Thirdly, I wanted to share something that happened to me yesterday. It's really too good not to share.

I was driving down the road and just giving praise and thanks to the Father for all that He was doing with this SHINE thing. My heart was pouring out to Him, and just letting Him know how be literally blows me away with His awesomeness.

As I came to a stop sign, I heard church bells ringing. I smiled and knew that it was the Lord letting me know that He was listening to my heart.

I then looked over to my right to see this church that I pass by almost every single day. In the front parking lot of the church was this sign:

"You are one link in the chain."

My body had goose bumps up and down. I sat right there, with the church bells ringing and tears flooding down my face, soaking up what He was telling me.

Girls, WE are the chain. WE are the links in His beautiful chain.

What good is a link, without the other links holding it together and making it stronger? The more links in a chain, the stronger it is.

If I wouldn't have been run over by a car, I would have gotten out right then and there and fallen prostrate on my face before the Lord in wonder and amazement.

Embrace this, SHINE girls.

YOU are so important in His chain. The more we grow, the stronger we become.

As we seek Him through His word, He will give us wisdom and truth....and strength to face whatever comes.

Don't believe the lie that you are alone and that you are not important or not loved. It's a big, fat, ugly LIE.

When I heard the bells, and saw the sign at the church, I looked down at my clock in my car...the time was 12:12.

I felt God was whispering into my ear that 2012 was the year for renewal, restoration and full-on surrender to Him from His people...especially His beloved women.

Friends, wherever you are on this path, on this journey....know and believe that the Father is right there with you. He is adding links to your chain daily, to make you stronger and able to withstand the storms.

link by link,


"Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10


Reading plan 1/16-1/20...


And the Winner is.....