Reading plan 1/16-1/20...

Reading Plan for 1/16-1/20
  • Monday 1/16: 1 Samuel 11
  • Tuesday 1/17: 1 Samuel 12
  • Wednesday 1/18: 1 Samuel 13
  • Thursday 1/19: 1 Samuel 14
  • Friday 1/20: 1 Samuel 15

Happy Sunday!

We have some fun new things coming up this week on SHINE! Please try and check in daily so that you don't miss a thing!

Some of you are not receiving emails yet...I am really not sure why. Try typing your email in the box at the top right that reads "follow SHINE by email". You will then have to type a captcha that appears. Finally you will receive a verification by email which you will need to click on to activate your subscription to SHINE.

If that still doesn't work, let me know. The safest bet is to just check the blog regularly. Posts and comments are happening throughout the day, and you will want to be a part of those!

Tuesday of this week, we will begin something really fun here on the blog.

I will choose a SHINE girl to spotlight...she will be our SHINE girl of the week. We will have a new SHINE girl of the week that will be revealed every Tuesday.

The cool thing is, the SHINE girl of the week gets to  pick the next SHINE girl to spotlight for the following week. SHINE girls like to lift up our fellow sisters by encouraging them and supporting them.

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Doesn't this sound FUN?

So, get ready for a new recipe tomorrow and a SHINE girl of the week to be announced on Tuesday. We will call her "Tuesday's Treasure".

 Continue staying in His word daily, my SHINE friends. This is what is making us radiant ...this is what gives us our strength. We need the nourishment from God's word in order to handle what our days bring.

I will post a new prayer/praise request post for this week as well. Please check it daily to lift your fellow SHINE girls up to the Father.

Also, don't forget about our very first SHINE girl party next Sunday, January 22nd from 2-5. See the invitation here... If you can come, please RSVP--and bring a friend!

Happy reading sweet SHINE girls!

Keep seeking all you do.

ready for more 1 Samuel,


**Ohhhh! ONE more thing! Our fellow SHINE girl, Collette Parker, has created for us a Twitter ID! Follow us on Twitter @ shinegirlsshine.

**Tell your friends to SHINE with us on Twitter too!


Prayers/Praises week of 1/16-1/20


Saturday SHINE...