how we started....

A little something from my heart.

You may be new to this blog and wondering..."what in the world is all this SHINE stuff about?"

If I may, I want to tell you how it began.

God convicted me right after Christmas about something.

He showed me that although I was going to a weekly bible study and memorizing all of these great scriptures...He wanted me to seek Him....

In His word.

Yes, bible studies are fantastic and I would highly encourage any and every one to do one if you never have.

However, there is also a hunger, a deep starvation, in my own heart....for reading God's word on my own.

Without it being spoon fed to me by someone else.


So, that very same day, I sent about 10 or 15 of my closest girls an email asking them to hold me accountable in reading God's word for the upcoming year.

Not only were they so precious to agree, but they also agreed to read it along with me.


So, that is what began our little SHINE group.

If you have never opened a Bible, or if you are teaching your 105th bible study....all are welcome here.

I, myself, just want to know the Father more.

I am desperate for Him because I am so flawed and tarnished.

The Bible says that His word is living and active.

It is fuel for my hungry and worn out soul.

One chapter a day doesn't seem like a whole heck of a lot...but nor was Rome built in a they say.

I just have a hungry and depraved heart, my friends.

So, wherever you are on this road of are welcome here.

We are learning from each other day by day.

Mostly, however, we are learning from Him.

He will speak to us through His word, of this we can be sure.

all my hungry heart,



It's a SHINE girl party...


Thursday SHINE...