Line by line…
Jill Hill Jill Hill

Line by line…

My daughter’s 3rd grade teacher sent me a text one day as they were outside at recess.

“Did you know that Presley can recite Psalm 91….like, the whole entire passage? She just recited it for me right here on the playground!”

Of course, I was elated that my daughter remembered those words…the words I had prayed over her night after night.

However, I had not taught her those words because I was a super godly Christian momma. No.

I taught her those words because I was a desperate, anxious, fearful, and falling apart mother.

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Without words…
Jill Hill Jill Hill

Without words…

We were sitting in the parking lot of Chicfila, almost a decade ago.

I was spilling my heart out to my friend and mentor.

Things were a little rocky at home with my marriage. Not terrible, but I was frustrated.

I could not wait to talk to my wise friend and I could not wait for her to tell me how RIGHT I WAS and how WRONG HE WAS.

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What do you see…
Jill Hill Jill Hill

What do you see…

A few years ago, I bought a new car.

As soon as I drove it off the lot, I started to see so many cars on the road exactly like mine! Same color, same style, same everything!

I had never noticed before how many people were driving this same car.

My eyes were opened and suddenly I saw this car everywhere!

It is the same with our spiritual eyes…

When we ask God to open our spiritual eyes, we begin to see things that we never saw before.

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  • Psalms

  • Prayer

  • Praises


Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.

Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Rescue me from my enemies, O LORD, for I hide myself in you. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.

psalm 143:8