The Miracle of Gratitude…

I remember it so well. It was exactly one year ago.

Sitting at the top of the stands in the volleyball arena, flanked by my family and friends, I held tight to a small wooden cross.

The time had finally come.
My daughter’s dream of going to the State Championship game with her high school team was happening.

She had gone once before— her Sophomore year, but they did not win.

Now, here she was, a senior. Her last chance to clench that title. Her last chance EVER.

I did not eat all day that day. I was more nervous than she was.

She wanted this so bad. Since 6th grade, this had been her dream.

Sitting in those stands, my mind was flooded with memories of practices, drills, late night games, tears of joy, tears of loss.

My lips kept uttering over and over, “Thank you, Jesus.”

No matter the outcome, I was so grateful for this opportunity for her. I knew this was probably the end of her career as a volleyball player, so I just sat in a puddle of gratitude that night.

The game was a nail biter. Back and forth, back and forth.

At one point, I remember saying out loud, “Jesus, thank you. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.”

I remembered reading about the 2 fish and five loaves of bread in my Bible. How Jesus and His disciples gave thanks for the food, then miraculously fed the 5,000 people with that small portion.

“Lord, do a miracle here. I give You thanks with my whole heart. Please, give us a miracle.”

Rewinding back that season, her senior year, a couple of things happened that were frustrating to my daughter. She was disappointed and she was discouraged.

After one of those disappointing events, I went to work the next day. I remember standing there steaming a clothing garment at the little boutique that I work at.

I was praying for my girl. I was asking God to just please bring beauty from ashes.

Her high school years had been tough in many ways. Volleyball was her refuge at times from all of those hard events in high school.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I was praying under my breath for my girl.

A few seconds later, I heard a whisper in my heart..

“Jill, the end will be better than the beginning.”

Suddenly, my heart exploded with hope.

I immediately texted one of my closest friends and told her that God had just given me a word of HOPE to cling to!

Back to the championship game…

I held that cross and I recited back to Jesus what I so clearly heard Him say…

“The end will be better than the beginning.”

Honestly, I wasn’t sure if a win was the ending God was referring to, but I did know that Hope was alive and I was certain that God would bring good from all of the hardships.

We did end up winning that game. It was a JOY like no other.

The first time in history that our volleyball team had brought home a state championship title…and my sweet girls dream became reality.

For months after that game, I just praised the Lord. Every breath I took was in praise.

Not because we won the game, but because of the HOPE He had infused in my heart.

As a mother, we feel our children’s pains and hurts a million times more than they do. We take it on, we wear it, we ache with it.

God does the same with our hurts. He wants to take it from us. He wants to take that load off of us and breathe joy and hope into our lungs.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

My hope in writing this post is to encourage you in gratitude.

Something happens in the heavenly realms when we give thanks and gratitude. Miracles start birthing.

Honestly, I could tell you story after story of how gratitude has brought miracles. But, the best references are in God’s Word. Search the scriptures. Find treasure upon treasure of gratitude.

If you are a mother, and you are in desperate prayer for a child facing hardship, persecution, rejection, failure, waywardness….

Talk to Jesus. Over and over and over.

Recite His faithfulness over and over.

Pray and ask Him to fulfill the scripture in Isaiah..

To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the LORD has planted for his own glory. Isaiah 61:3

Our Father in Heaven is a Father. He loves His children like we love our children. He gets it. He knows the hurt we feel when our children suffer.

Pray and never stop praying for that child of yours.

Pray that suffering will produce character, hope, and perseverance in that child’s life.

Pray that bitterness will never take root—but only gratitude.

The worst thing we can do is feel sorry for that child and make them feel like they have been cheated.

As mother’s lets encourage them to stay faithful, hopeful, and expectant that God can and will bring beauty from ashes.

His Word never EVER returns void.

Speak LIFE. Again and again and again.

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21

The road may be long and winding and seem endless.

Don’t stop praying.

Don’t stop thanking God for what He is doing and what He will do.

The end will be better than the beginning.

with a grateful heart,



The t-shirt…


Stay in the race…