The Christmas Flu…

Whew. What a few days it has been!

I am on day 6 of having some sort of horrible sickness.

Finally, yesterday morning, I began to see the light at the end of the feverish, body aching, chills, tunnel.

Praise Jesus for healing. Seriously.

You never think about your health much until you are sick—then that is all you think about!

I did not even have the energy to drag myself to the doctor. I mean, I am a mom, I can figure out what is going on. I have the INTERNET to help me. Ha!

With all of my searching and findings, I think I had the flu.

WebMD has nothing on a mom! (ok, kidding.)

As I sat here at home, day after day, I stared at the twinkling lights on my Christmas tree.

I was forced to rest and be still.


Ok, God. I hear you.

The last few weeks have been a dizzying array of busy. Shopping, parties, decorating, wrapping, late nights catching up on all the newest Christmas movies….repeat.

It has all been fun but tiring.

My body needed a reset, clearly.

I cannot think of a more perfect time for a reset than Christmas and a new year approaching.

There are many things I was forced to focus on while I was laid up on my couch with no energy. Like, not even energy to pick up my phone.

I prayed a lot. A lot. A lot.

At one point, in the middle of the night, I woke up quoting a scripture in my sleep.

“By His wounds ,we are healed.” 1 Peter 2:24

Whew. I was so desperate for Jesus when that fever topped at its highest in the wee hours of the night.

He was the only thing I wanted.

Sometimes, friends, it takes sickness to bring us to that point of desperation for Him.

Sometimes, it takes stopping our little worlds for a few days for us to reset and re-focus on what is truly the main thing.


The irony of it all, is that Christmas is a celebration of Jesus and His birth.

Yet, we have turned it into something quite the opposite, haven’t we?

We barely make time for Him because our schedules are jam packed with events. Our bank accounts are flowing and over flowing with buying gifts for loved ones.

Our bodies are running on fumes. Literally.

We need nourishment and rest.

Nourishment from His Word.

Rest in His Presence.

Often we give Him the absolute bare minimum of our time.

He deserves so much more.

He deserves our whole hearts, not just the leftovers.

God re-fuels us when we are with Him.

He pours Himself right back into US.

We are always better after time spent with Him. Always!

The more time we spend with Him, the more we reflect Him.

“those who look to Him are radiant, their faces are never covered with shame.” Psalm 34:5

The less time we spend with Him, the less we reflect Him.

This season, this week, this upcoming new year…

Let’s make a pact.

Let’s be intentional about being with Jesus.

Let’s get nourished in His Word. Devotionals are fine, but there is NOTHING like God’s Word. Straight from Him.

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

This world needs us to reflect Jesus. This world is desperate for TRUTH, LOVE, GRACE, MERCY, JOY, and KINDNESS.

When we read God’s Word, it changes us. It molds us. It shapes us. It sharpens us.

In the next week or two, I will share some resources to help you get in the Word this upcoming year. Having a plan is super helpful.

As I come out of the fog of sickness, I am focused and determined to re-set and refuel on Jesus.

He is what this world needs.

He is what WE need.

fueling up,



{Almost} losing my mind in Verizon….
