Rise and Shine


SHINE Girls began in January of 2012. It seems like so long ago. 

My children were much smaller. Life was different. 

Many of you know how it all began, and if you do not, scroll through some early posts and you will see just how God brought it all together. 

I was (and still am) just a busy and overwhelmed mother who desperately needed Peace and Truth. 

At the time, I was severely struggling with anxiety and questions about my purpose in this life. 

Gently, and sweetly, God whispered for me to come. To open the pages of His Word. To listen to His instructions instead of the worlds. 

I would wake up at 4:15 am to sit with Him. It was the only time of the day that I could be fully present with Him. It was hard some mornings, but I knew I needed Him and it was worth being tired. 

In 2012, social media was sort of on the newer side. So, SHINE Girls was much like a small social site for women to talk, pray, and share their stories. 

Blogs were very popular at that time, but now the tide has changed. 

Most women use social media (Facebook, Instagram) as a way to communicate and ask for prayer. 

Slowly, this blog has evolved to more of a devotional. Telling stories, sharing encouragement, learning God's Word together. 

For several years now, I have felt The Lord moving in a different direction. Through much prayer, and much help from a wonderful web designer, the change is starting to take place. 

Small changes, but changes that represent where we are now. A new chapter, a new beginning, so to speak. 

I will share with you more very soon, but as of now, I just wanted you to be the first to know! 

You will still receive my emails if you subscribe. 

The emails will be a little different, as far as format, but nothing major. 

Now, I will let you in on the biggest secret of all....I have only told my family! 

This is something I have prayed about and searched God's Word for...and He answered in a big way. 

SHINE Girls  will now be called Rise and Shine. 

There are several reasons God led me to this name, and I will share some of those in the days to come. 

For now, I just wanted to let my sweet friends in on the exciting change! 

Our site will be updated, renovated, and much more user friendly. Eek!!

If you are receiving emails, nothing will change for you. 

We will have a new, our very own, web address which I will share with you as soon as it is completed. 

The new site will be here for those that want to know more about Rise and Shine and to see past posts and stories. All of the content from SHINE Girls will be on our new site! 

Not long ago, when the decision was made to change the name, I asked the Lord to affirm this. I prayed and prayed. 

I felt peace it was the right decision, but I just needed a little something from The Lord. A little wink or nod that this was the right direction. 

The same afternoon that I confirmed the new name to the web designer, I saw this as I was checking out at TJ Maxx. 

Not only was it our new name, but the inside of the mug is YELLOW. My favorite color ever!!


**For the record, I really liked the mug to the right of this one as well... Hot Mess Express. A very accurate description of life these days. **

I would love to know your thoughts! This current blogger site is very spammy, but I welcome your emails and texts! Our new site will be much easier to navigate and leave comments. Yay!

I am so excited to Rise and Shine with you in the days and years to come! 

YOU are the reason I still write. Your encouragement, your support, your faithfulness. 

I am so grateful for all of YOU!

rising and shining together, 



Write it down…


Grocery Stores, Grapes and My Big Fat Mouth…