Pride-Part Two

Have I given us long enough to chew on Mother Theresa’s wise words on humility?

Sadly, I think it is a theme we may have to go back to weekly, if not daily, if not hourly.

Pride is the root of most sin.

Just look at Adam and Eve.

Pride made them want to be like God.

They wanted more, more, more.

Not content with the beauty, calm, peace and serene that surrounded them, their prideful hearts led them to death.

Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18

Certainly, Adam and Eve fell, and fell hard.

If you have ever been guilty of pride, and all of us have at some point, we can quickly remember the bitter sting of the fall that came after.

In the case of Adam and Eve, pride led them to fear, which led them down the path to all the sins that follow.

Pride was the root.

How do we get rid of pride? How can we daily check our hearts and pull up this strong root?

In the last post, I listed Mother Theresa’s humility list. I will re-post them, just so you can have it to go back to…

1. Speak as little as possible about yourself.

2. Keep busy with your own affairs and not those of others.

3. Avoid curiosity.

4. Do not interfere in the affairs of others.

5. Accept small irritations with good humor.

6. Do not dwell on the faults of others.

7. Accept censures even if unmerited.

8. Give in to the will of others.

9. Accept insults and injuries.

10. Accept contempt, being forgotten and disregarded.

11. Be courteous and delicate even when provoked by someone.

12. Do not seek to be admired and loved.

13. Do not protect yourself behind your own dignity.

14. Give in, in discussions, even when you are right.

15. Choose always the more difficult task.

We ended with number 6 in the last post.

Moving on to 7, “accept censures even if unmerited.”

If you are like me, I had to look up the definition of censure. It’s not a word I see floating around much.

Censure=express severe disapproval of (someone or something), especially in a formal statement.

So, Mother T tells us that humility accepts these disapprovals, even ones of severity.

My mind spins here and my justice meter goes off the chart.

But…what if the person has it wrong?? What if what they disapprove of us is completely unmerited?

Accept them anyway.

A lot of us women, will try to argue our merits and good deeds to win over the one who disapproves of us.

OR, a lot of us will just get angry and never speak to that person again, AND bad mouth them to anyone that will listen.


Neither response reflects humility.

Humility accepts their disapproval, and is not wavered one bit by it.

We seek God’s approval.

His is the only one that matters.

We will not be liked by everyone.

Accept it.

In acceptance lies peace.

Number 8, “give in to the will of others.”

I have really been trying to put this into practice, beginning with my home life.

For example, my husband likes to drink a cup of coffee on the way to work.

It takes 3 minutes for me to make him one.

But, some days, I JUST DONT WANT TO.

On days when I am tired, or running behind, three minutes just seems to unnerve me.

He doesn’t demand that I make him one, but I know he likes when I do and it helps him to get out the door faster.

I started doing this more frequently, before he even asks me.

He probably hasn’t noticed, but I have noticed.

My heart is softening. My will is softening.

“Do onto others as you would have them do unto you.” Matthew 7:12

I will combine 9 & 10 of Mother T’s list…” Accept insults and injuries & Accept contempt, being forgotten and disregarded”

This one may be the one we struggle with the most.

Boy, can we get our feathers in a ruffle!

When we are insulted, injured via hurtful words, forgotten to be included, disregarded…


We often retaliate with cruel words and hateful responses… or we retaliate by pulling away and crawling in a hole telling ourselves that all people are mean and it is better to live alone.

We want to be seen by others.

And, when we don’t it is painful.

I think this is an opportunity to shed light on the state of our true hearts.

How do we respond when these things happen?

If we are sure of who we are in Christ, certain of our Identity in Him, secure in His love for us…

We will accept these injuries, and not be tossed in a sea of turmoil.

Peace will saturate our hearts, because we know that Jesus was insulted, injured, rejected, forgotten, disregarded.

His disciples were as well.

Why in the world would we expect anything less?

If you are a Christian, walking in Truth, Love, Prayer, and His Word..

You will be rejected at some point

Accept it.

Learn from it.

Grow from it.

Wisdom comes when we defy our constant hurt feelings, and walk in Truth.

We have become so sensitive to every single thing, we wear our feelings on our sleeves.

Let’s be women who can accept these things, and reflect Christ to those around us no matter the injury or rejection.

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” Matthew 5:11-12

I need more time to let these soak in, let’s take a break, shall we?

Hopefully, in the next post, we can finish Mother T’s humility list

In the mean time, I am really seeking the heart of Jesus. I desperately need Him to remove pride, even the tiniest seed of it.

Pride destroys.

Humility restores.

Pride hates.

Humility loves.

Pride separates.

Humility brings together.

Pride brings a fall.

Humility brings honor.

humility seeker,



Coffee Talk…


Pride— Part One…