Hobby Lobby Angel…

A few days ago I innocently walked into Hobby Lobby.

Shockingly, I pulled into the parking lot and could barely find a space to squeeze my car into.

Maybe they are having a huge sale? I was at a loss.

Sitting in my car for a few minutes, I wondered if I should even go in. I was short on time because I was having lunch with my son soon.

I decided to go in.

Walking in, I saw a million lines with a million people all waiting their turn.

I felt that anxious feeing rise up in my throat.

My heart started pounding.

That nauseous feeling that I was about to join in the crazy Christmas buying frenzy took over my whole body.

I took a deep breath and prayed that God would give my heart peace.

There was nothing I really “needed” here. I had just come to look for wrapping paper for heavens sake.

“Lord, help me to stay focused. I came here for a couple of things, please don’t let me get sidetracked.”

Hobby Lobby has a way of sucking in even the most innocent of shoppers.

50% off signs screaming at me to take a look or I would miss out.

FOMO—fear of missing out…on a big sale. It’s a real thing.

Grabbing a buggy, I slowly headed to the Christmas wrapping paper isle.


I realized I needed to go to the bathroom. Which meant…I would have to trek to the back of the store and pass more good deals that I really did not need.


Eyes focused, talking to Jesus, I safely made my way to the bathroom.


Ok. I can do this.

I went back to the aisle with the wrapping paper, chose some pretty ones that were 50% off, and headed to checkout.

Standing at the back of a line a mile and a half long, I prided myself on staying the course.

Until I looked to my right and saw the most adorable Christmas decorations beckoning me to come take a look.

I closed my eyes and asked for discipline. Again.

When I finally made it to the register, my deodorant turning into white sticky balls under my arms, I had a sweet conversation with the checkout lady.

She said that she could not wait to get off work and shop for her daughter. She said she was hoping that a couple of things were still available that she had been wanting to get for her.

My heart sank in that second. I almost offered to take over for her so she could shop, but realized that was stupid and impossible.

Talking to her caused me to pause.

To pause my anxious heart.

To pause the frenzy in my mind.

To pause the need to have everything in my house perfect.

To pause the ever growing temptation around me for “more, more, more” .

Something in her sweet brown eyes revealed my need for a pause.

She was an angel to me that day.

I think she was put there to bring my heart back from the land of all things shiny and new.

Meeting her redirected my heart back to simplicity and contentment.

The world beckons us to buy, buy, buy.

Social media influencers have a way of making it look so attractive and so easy to spend more and more and more.

Trust me, I have fallen into that trap.

Let’s make this Christmas different.

Let’s pause.

Let’s pursue peace and contentment.

Let’s make it about Jesus and not about giving the greatest gifts or having the most perfect decorations.

My prayer is that our homes will be sanctuaries of peace, not sanctuaries of perfection.

Contentment is contagious.

Have you ever been around someone who is content?

It is the greatest gift.

Consumerism and materialism are also contagious, unfortunately.

Let’s be intentional about guarding our hearts, minds, and eyes from falling into that trap.

Maybe the greatest gift we can give each other this year is contentment.

Focusing on what we do have instead of what we do not have.

Focusing on those people around us and loving them well.

Focusing on the reason we celebrate Christmas—-Jesus.

James tells us pretty boldly in chapter 4…

Don’t you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again: If you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God.  Do you think the Scriptures have no meaning? They say that God is passionate that the spirit he has placed within us should be faithful to him.

Let’s pursue our friendship with God and let go of our friendship with the world this season.

Let’s turn down the noise of the world and turn up the sweet melody of contentment and peace.

God will help us in this pursuit. We just have to ask Him.

pursuing Christ this Christmas,





Mouth Problems…