Do you believe in miracles?
One year ago, my Dad was in the hospital.
He was in the hospital for 70 days.
There were many days that we thought he would not pull through.
We, as a family, huddled around him, prayed over him, sang hymns over him, and read scripture over him.
My big, 6’2 strong Dad was whittled down to almost nothing.
That Summer was a hard season.
Both of my children graduated. The boy from college, the girl from high school.
We uprooted and moved from the small town we raised our children in.
I said goodbye to my yogaFaith students that I had grown so close to.
Dad was in the hospital, with no end in sight.
It felt like someone had taken our life and just poured it upside down.
My stomach was in knots, my hope was scarce and my eyes were swollen shut from tears.
As a family, we held onto Jesus. Like never before.
In some ways, it was the sweetest time because we were so desperately dependent on Jesus each day.
Each day brought something new it seemed. New nurses, a new diagnosis, new location of his room….change upon change.
Dear and precious friends lifted us up and sustained us through their faithful prayers and love.
When our faith was weak, it never failed, a friend or family member would call to check on us…or do an act of kindness for us.
My eyes were literally opened up to the Body of Christ.
One year later…
My Dad is on his motorcyle on a trip out West with his friends.
Nothing is impossible with God, sweet friends.
My Dad sent me a picture this morning, and I smiled so big.
I searched for a picture on my phone from one year ago today…and I found a picture of him on his hospital bed.
I will never forget the MIRACLES.
I will never stop thanking Him for these MIRACLES.
Friend, if you are in a dark valley, or maybe a never-ending waiting season….let me tell you….
Joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5)
There will be beauty from ashes. (Isaiah 61:3)
He can and will do IMMEASURABLY MORE than you can think or imagine. (Ephesians 3:20)
Walk by Faith and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)
Surely Goodness and Mercy will pursue you all the days of your life. (Psalm 23:6)
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. (1 Corinthians 2:9)
He has plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
If you are lacking hope, if you are lacking faith…I get it. I’ve been there.
Turn to the One that is HOPE. He will comfort you and soothe you.
He will whisper His Peace and His Love in your sweet ear.
Fall into His Grace and His Mercy.
Ask those around you to lift you up in prayer to sustain you on those dark and hard and long days.
Search for Him every second in this season.
He is there.
Right next to you.
Right beside you.
Right in front of you.
Right behind you.
Never stop praying.
Never give up Hope.
He is the God of the impossible. (Matthew 19:26)
Let these pictures of my dad from one year ago…and from today…bring your heart HOPE.
My Dad one year ago today…8/7/23
My Dad today…8/7/24
don’t stop believing,