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Welcome to SHINE Girls! The easiest way to stay updated is to subscribe to SHINE Girls by email. You will get a lovely [sometimes not so lovely-depends on my mood] little post in your inbox a few days a week! You can subscribe on the home page under "subscribe" [I know, brilliant]  to the right of the home page.  Easy! [even for me]

I try to post a few times a week. Sometimes more. Sometimes less. Again, depends on the day.

If you are looking for a bible reading plan, we have one for you! Go to the tab at the top of the page that says "Reading Plan".  I know. Too simple. We like simple around here.

I am so happy you found our cozy little corner! Drop by anytime and bring a friend. Friends are good. Everyone is invited. No need to RSVP either. Just come!

I love you already,



Say Hello [come on, you know you want to!]


Pity Party Please....