Stop running...

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 2 Corinthians 4:16-17

 As the hammering and sawing and drilling persist, I want to run far far away. 

Our bathroom is being renovated and I am about to lose my mind. 

The dust is unbearable. The noise is unimaginable. The mess is unending. 

I keep peeking in that little bathroom each day to see the progress being made. 

Each day, I just see a big ol' mess. Dust, wood, nails, plumbing lines....oh my!

Since the project began last week, I have left my house each and every day to stay away from the noise and dust.

Finding errands to run, eating lunch with old friends, visiting with my mom over and over....anything to avoid being here. 

But today...

Instead of running, I find myself in the basement. Hammer still making that nerve racking sound, I find solace on our basement couch. 

The Lord spoke to my heart as I sat down and became still. 

He pointed out my tendencies to run. 

Running when things get hard. 

Running when work needs to be done on my heart. 

Running when I know I need to sit, be still, and rest. 

Running when I get uncomfortable. 

Run, run, run. 

He sweetly reminded me that the bathroom would be finished soon and that I would enjoy for many years the renovation of that little space. 

He also reminded me that before the beauty can begin, the renovation has to proceed. 

Sitting snug on this couch, I close my eyes and let out a long sigh. 

I picture the Cross. 

Hammer hitting nail into wrist...

Hammer hitting nail into feet...

Horrible, messy,  painful. 

I think of Jesus' very own mother watching close by. 

How did she not run??

How did she have the strength to sit there watching this hammering, listening to the cries of her Son, listening to the spew of words from those torturing Him...


Mary knew. 

Mary knew the beauty was coming. 

She knew this was not the end.

She knew that the pain and the suffering and the cries would have to happen before the best part of the story could happen. 

The part of the story that forever changed my heart and your heart. 

The part where Jesus is resurrected without a blemish on his body. 

The part where we can be reconciled to Him forever. 

Mary knew. 

When my children are struggling, going through hard times and difficult seasons....

I want to run. I want to pull them up and carry them and take away their pain as we flee. 

However, I remember Mary. 

She never fled. 

She sat still. 

She watched. 

She prayed. 

She never ever left the scene. 

Are you in a season of doubt, hopelessness, grief, suffering?

I get it. 

How are you dealing with the pain?

Let's learn from Mary. 

She was unwavering in her faith. She knew that beauty was just around the corner. She was not about to run away and miss it. 

My bathroom will be finished soon. 

It will always be a reminder that the mess was worth it. 

The loud hammering, the constant in and out of dirty boots...

It led to a pretty space. A space to bathe and relax and get ready for the day. 

The mess will be worth it. 

no more running, 



Joseph's Story...


Drunk on prayer...