An ordered life...

 “The way you keep your house, the way you organize your time, the care you take in your personal appearance, the things you spend your money on, all speak loudly about what you believe. The beauty of thy peace shines forth in an ordered life. A disordered life speaks loudly of disorder in the soul.” Elisabeth Elliot

Yesterday, a sweet soul reached out to me offering to donate 6 more Bibles. I decided to have the giveaway on my Instagram page this time. I wanted it to be quick because the reading plan begins January 1st. 

After the 6 names were drawn, the generous soul was nudged to double the number of bibles, so TWELVE bibles were given away yesterday! All twelve are being shipped today!

 My heart could just explode!

There is no greater gift than God's Word. 

As I was cleaning out Christmas decor yesterday, I felt lighter as each shelf and countertop was wiped clean. 

I feel the same way when I read God's Word. He cleanses my heart with each word I take in. He dusts off the settling that has taken place in areas of my heart that I have overlooked. 

We crave order and cleanliness, don't we? I mean, who doesn't love coming home to a clean house. 

Reading God's Word has the same affect on our hearts. 

Lately, I am feeling nudged to simplify. I have let things build up, not just in my house, but in my head. 

Thoughts crowd out Jesus' voice, and it creates chaos and clutter in my brain. 

I tend to overthink, overanalyze, and over-process things in my head. Jesus is beckoning me to lay it down. 

Get back to that child like Faith. 

The simple faith of a child without the fears, worries, and anxieties of adulthood. 

It is a choice I can easily make. 

Either I choose to trust Jesus, or I don't. 

Desperately, I want to let go of the clutter in my heart. I want to quiet the chaos with God's Promises in His Word. 

However, I have to choose this daily. It won't just happen. I have to make time to sit with Him. 

For me, it means getting up a little earlier than the rest of the house. 

Having my coffee in hand, my quiet place ready, and my Bible open. 

When we have a plan, we will find peace. 

There will be days when our plans will get messed up, and that is okay. 

We must try again the next day. 

A heart at peace gives life to the body. Proverbs 14:30

Nothing on earth brings Peace like the Words of God. 

Let's get back into His Word this year. Maybe you have fallen away, or maybe you have stayed the course. Either way, continue on sweet friend. 

We are in this together. Walking hand in hand on the greatest journey we will ever get to go on. 

let's do this, 



I dare you to hope...


Bible Give-Away Winners...