Are you a life-giver?

 A friend sent me a text this week. It was regarding a post I had recently written on here. 

She thanked me for continuing to write. 

It came out of the blue. 

I thanked her, and held on to her encouraging words. Her words breathed hope into my lungs. 

Her words reminded me that words are important. Encouragement is important. 

Her words also reminded me to pick up the gifts/tools He has given me...and use them. 

Have you ever been in a dry place....and someone walks in and gives you a drink of water? I do not mean a literal drink of water, but words of hope. Encouragement. Life breathing and life giving words. 

These crazy pandemic-driven days are hard. 

Hope is in short supply. 

Encouragement is in short supply. 

We need to to speak life to those around us. We need to notice, and participate in life. Often we just observe instead of actively participating. 

Have you ever thought something really wonderful about someone but never told them? Maybe you just forgot or maybe you thought..."they probably already know and hear compliments and encouragement all the time."

We need to start speaking those life giving words. As soon as the thought pops into our heads, speak it out. 

God created us to sharpen each other. Build each other up. 

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

Can I just be honest?

Often we may think that pointing out good things in others reflects our own weaknesses. Maybe our insecurities keep us from building others up. 

I surely have held back words due to my own feelings of lack and insecurities. Wrongly I have thought that encouraging others would only spotlight those weak areas in my own life. 

My daughter plays sports. I try to make a point to compliment other girls on her team to their parents. Not just insincere words, but true encouragement. I want them to know that I "notice" their daughter and how well she is playing ball. 

Sometimes I think competition can dissolve our desire to encourage in this manner. But, it shouldn't. It should bolster our desire to let other parents, friends, family, whoever know that you notice. 

Building others up actually builds us up as well. Isn't cool how obediently following God's word is ALWAYS for our benefit?! We think we are blessing others, when in turn God goes right ahead and blesses us!

When we choose to encourage and speak life, God fills up our hearts in ways that never could have been filled otherwise. 

Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Luke 6:38

Here's the thing...

It takes intention. It takes purpose. 

In order to become life-speakers, we have to practice it. We have to pay attention. We have to notice. 

Our tendency is to get wrapped up in our own little bubble and suffocate. 

Let's pop those bubbles and be life-giving word givers. 

My feet felt lighter after my friend texted me her words. 

I needed those words, even when I did not know I needed to hear them. 

I challenge you, I challenge US: 

Speak encouragement to those around you today. In person, by text, by phone call, by mail...

Just do it. 

Someone needs to hear it. 

paying attention, 


 given to you...


Don't get lazy....


What if...