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Memory Scripture: The Lord is my Shepherd, I have all that I need. Psalm 23:1

Day 9. 

Good morning, friends!

I have a special treat for you, My dear friend, Lisa Inlow, is sharing her heart with you today. Lisa is full of wisdom and she always points us right back to Jesus.

Be blessed by her words!

SHINE Post by Lisa Inlow:

Hello Shine Girls!

Wow y'all these last 10 days have been crazy.  Scary.  Extremely Unsettling.  Anxiety producing.

Here are a few things I'm doing daily to keep my thoughts and fears on the low as in times like these thoughts and fears can definitely and understandably run at an all time high.

Psalm 91, reading it aloud every day with my family.  The words in this passage are powerful.  Grip on to them!  Claim them boldly for your family!  God Almighty's Holy Spirit lives inside of you, stand strong in this fact.

In the morning and morning only, I check the CDC website for the latest numbers for our state and the county I live in, Gwinnett.  Outside of that, I do not watch the news or read articles.  Take this tidbit for what it is, what works for me.  Maybe it will work for you as well.

I am also writing in a journal every single thing, big, small, tiny or seemingly silly, that the Lord has shown me today.  It's "funny" how in times of uncertainty we see and hear our Savior so much clearer.  Take advantage of this and write it down.  It also serves as a reminder on the days to come where we cannot get out of the emotional weeds!  We can go back to our journals and remember how he met us, here, in the awfulness that is currently upon us.

Pray!!!  I'm also praying for those who do not walk with Jesus.  We know our Father allows difficult times as a way to bring his children to His arms.  I'm praying for those folks that they will see their need for the Savior and run to him!

Have you been avoiding your Savior?  Are there parts of your heart that you are holding on to, white-knuckled even though he's been chatting with you to hand it over?  I get it sister!  Release the grip.  It's scary, but it's renewing.  Let Him love and comfort you in that space.  He's so trustworthy.

One day at a time.  Or on some days, one hour at a time.  Grab the Father's hand.  See it?  It's reaching out for you...

It's time to shine.

Philippians 4:6-7
6. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
7. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


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