Peace over Panic....

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Memory Scripture: For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10

A trip to the Emergency Room with an overnight stay.

This definitely was not on my calendar this week.

My husband has had some shortness of breath for the past almost two weeks. After many suggestions for him to please see a doctor, he finally obliged.

Of course, it was only due to the fact that he began having chest tightness and low energy as well.

Men. They can be so stubborn.

I was dreading walking into that hospital. Germs. Viruses. Diseases. You know where I am was not where I really wanted to be.

The outbreak of the Corona Virus had just been reported in Atlanta. Yay.

Here we were, in a hospital, surrounded by coughing, aching, sick people.

Yet, I wasn't afraid.

Panic will never bring peace.

Trust me, I have been on the panic side for too many years. It never ever leads to health, peace, and wellness.

The doctors ran many tests.

I sat there stone faced.

Trying to wrap my brain around the fact that Lem could possibly be having major heart problems.

Heart disease is rampant in his family.

I knew this.

Yet, suddenly the thought of it slapped me hard in the face.

My stomach was in knots. Turning and churning.

My mouth was dry and my palms were clammy.

I was not fearful, but I was thoughtful.

Full of thoughts and memories and future plans.

I thought of my friends and family who had very recently lost their husbands. Their faces tatooed on my heart. Their names on my lips as I prayed for them.

Despite the knots in my stomach, I had peace.

I knew that everything would be okay.

Even if they weren't.

I studied the doctors faces as they talked to Lem. The doctors had masks around their noses and mouths.

Yet, here we were. No masks to protect our inhalation. Just breathing the air around us. Hospital air.

Yet, I wasn't panicked.

Several years ago, this would not have been the case. I would have been a crying ball of a mess on the floor.

Growing in our faith, grows us in our peace.

We begin to know and understand God's Faithfulness and Goodness.

When the world around us is flocking for answers and panic stricken...

We, the ones who trust Him, can sleep in perfect peace.

I was reminded of Jesus in the boat when the storm was raging. He slept peacefully. The disciples panicked and woke Jesus up.

Jesus knew His Father. He knew they would be okay.

When we walk with Jesus, we begin to know Him intimately, we begin to trust Him.

Especially when storms are swirling around us.

This world can be scary. People will react out of fear and desperation.

Our foundation must be set on the Rock of Assurance....Jesus Christ.

No other foundation will hold us in stormy times.

The doctors wanted to monitor Lem overnight due to his symptoms.

I slept in a chair next to his hospital bed. My eyes were closed about 45 minutes the entire night.

I watched Lem sleep peacefully. Not a worry was on his face.

He trusted the outcome.

It is in these times that the importance of hiding God's Word in our hearts surfaces.

We must recall Truth. We must recall His Goodness and Faithfulness.

I recounted our life together minute by minute that entire night in that small hospital room. From our dating, marriage, first child, second child, moving houses, teaching oldest child how to drive,  graduating a son, moving son into college, teaching youngest child how to drive, countless days and nights at soccer fields, basketball courts, and volleyball courts....

My heart was filled with gratitude. Panic had no place here.

See the good. 

There is always good. 

The world will tell you otherwise, but we know better.

The next morning, Lem had his final test.

The results were overwhelming good.

We were tired, exhausted, but full of gratitude.

Is your heart fearful today? Do you find panic taking the place of peace?

Recall His Faithfulness. Fall into His Word. Fall at His feet in prayer.

You can rest your heart. You can sleep peacefully in His arms.

No matter the swirling around you, He is bigger than the storm.

Commit these scriptures to your heart when panic invades. Let His Peace wash over you...

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. Psalm 56:3

He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber. Psalm 121:3

When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze. Isaiah 43:2

Fear of man will prove to be a snare,
but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe. Proverbs 29:25

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2

peace over panic,



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