Day five...

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Memory Scripture: Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

Here's a little glimpse of my gifts this week...

Presley singing to us at supper. 

Every day walking (6 feet apart) with friends. 10k steps is much easier these days!

A timely message


we are the Church

my beautiful friend, Lisa Riser, safely delivering shaved ice to local kids and parents!

My angel of a friend Kim Jaynes picking this up for me today!!
 HUGE surprise and much needed!!

YogaFaith with friends at the track does my heart good. 

SHINE Reading Plan: Go here. 
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Memory Scripture: Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

Day 5.

I have to admit, I am a bit of a homebody. This homebound state does not bother me....yet.

The thing about being home is.....I have to be careful how much news I ingest.

A little news to stay informed, but if I ingest too much, I can get a little on the fearful side. So, I am really trying to be disciplined in my news intake.

I have also taken to talking on the phone more...which I use to loathe. I am much better at in-person talking. But, I am enjoying catching up with friends and family via the old phone.

My friend, Lisa Inlow, shared something with me that I want to share with you. As we were talking on the phone today, she told me about a group of young people in Africa who prayed Psalm 91 every day for 91 days when Ebola had hit hard in that area.

On day 92, the disease had fled their area.

I am challenged and encouraged to pray Psalm 91 every single day. Even 3 times a day.

Will you join me?

Psalm 91 is very personal to me. I have shared story after story of how that Psalm has set me free from fear and worry. How I taught it to my children at a very young age and we all memorized it together. How my daughter blurted it out on a playground to her 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Lancaster.

Now is the time to pray.

Now is the time pray Psalm 91 together.

God is Present. He is with us.

Immanuel is Hebrew for- God is with us. 

Immanuel has never left us.

Let's call on Him. Grab your families and pray.  Read Psalm 91 together over and over.

His Word will never return void. {Psalm 55:11}

Could this be a time for an awakening of His Church?

To wake up from slumber and call on His Holy Name?

I have counted the gifts and the blessings every single day this week.

I have recounted them with all of you, with my husband, and with my kids

What are the gifts you see?

Name them. Count them. Thank Him for them.

Let's get back to His Word. Read it. Roll around in it. Let it saturate your heart over and over.

praying Psalm 91 for 91 days,



You are missed...


Day Four...