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Memory Scripture: I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. Psalm 77:11

Last night, I crawled up into my bed, hoisting about 6 old prayer journals onto my lap.

I love looking back. I love remembering.

When I need some encouragement, when I need to remember God's Faithfulness, I go back to the ink of my own pen from years ago.

Sometimes I do not even recognize my own writing. It looks different.

My, how I have grown since those well worn pages in my old journals. Yet, some pages that I read, I think--is my faith still that strong?

Prayer after prayer. Plea after plea.

I see how God has answered those prayers years later. The prayers over my husband, my children, my family, my friends.

Prayer after prayer over my parents, their health...God is just so Faithful.

I look back and see the constant repentance. I confessed all of my sins so vulnerably. My children will have a field day with these some day. :)

Remembering produces gratitude.

Remembering produces faith.

Remembering reminds us that seasons do not last forever.

Remembering brings joy.

Are you in a dry place? Do you need a fresh filling of faith?

I encourage you to sit down today. think back on your life.

Look for God's Faithful Hand through it all.

Sometimes, we just have to take the time to look back.

We are so inclined to look ahead, keep moving--that we don't sit still in the present. Nor, look back and remember with gratitude.

Do you keep a prayer journal?

If not, I encourage you to start one.

I promise you will love looking back and seeing God's Hand, remembering prayers answered, and watching the growth of your faith slowly take place.

Our memory verse this week is:

I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago. Psalm 77:11

looking back,



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The details...