He is not done with you...

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Memory Scripture: For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10

We have come to the end of the life of Moses in our reading. God allowed him to climb to the top of Mount Pisgah and look over the land that would be given to the Israelites

I cannot even imagine what Moses was thinking. He had come all this way...for forty years! Yet, he would not be able to enter the land promised.

As we look back over the life of Moses, we discover a full and adventurous life. So many twists and turns, and just when Moses thought his life was ending, God sent Moses on the greatest mission of his life. At the age of 80!

I wonder how many times in our own lives we have thought..."Well, that was fun. I guess that it the highlight of my days, and I can chill from here on out."

To be honest, I have thought this many times. When God has done incredible things, BIG things in my life, I have often thought, "I guess that is it. There is no way God would allow me to be a part of another big thing!"

How silly we are.

As long as we have breath in our lungs, God has a purpose for us.

We are never too old, or too young, to be used by the Lord.

Age is not an excuse. Ever.

As my children grow up and become more independent, I am tempted to think my mothering days are drawing to a close.

I can get sad and feel like my purpose in life is fading.

However, then, I think of the women who are still mothering me. Teaching me. Discipling me. Long after their children are gone.

God is still using these women to pour into the lives around them...the older training the younger. 

Friend, when you are tempted to think that you are unable to be used...because of your past, your age, your health, your family, your financial situation, your gender, your color, your__________ fill in the blank....

Remember the life of Moses.

He died at the ripe age of 120!

God used Moses up until his very last breath. Even those many years it seemed he would remain a shepherd in the wilderness leading a quiet life...

God came to Moses in the form of a burning bush in that wilderness.

Moses said yes to the call.

Although doubtful and hesitant, Moses said yes.

Do you know God has a plan for you?

Planned long ago.

Instead of getting comfortable with where you are...

Begin to ask God if you need to be in an uncomfortable place.

A place of total surrender and dependence on Him.

Right smack in the middle of His plan for your life.

Whether you are 19 or 91..

He has a plan.

Our memory scripture this week:

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10

Goodness gracious! Read that again! Write it on a note card or several. Store it in your phone notes. 

Memorize and believe it. 

He is not done with you. 

Or me. 

Will you accept His calling?

goodbye Moses, 



Big Girl Panties...


Are you lonesome tonight?