Fun Friday Challenge...

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Memory Scripture: Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

Our reading. Can we talk about it?

Oh man. My heart.

I love Joseph.

I need to be like Joseph.

His heart of forgiveness and faithfulness just SLAYS me.

Are you still reading? It's okay if you are reading another plan. I forgive you.

See, Joseph is rubbing off on me.

Just kidding.

But seriously, I cannot get enough of the Old Testament. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph...OH MY!

In other news...

Since taking on the challenge to walk 10, 000 steps a day, I have had much time to ponder and pray. Being outside surrounded by God's Creation will overwhelm a heart.

With so much walking, and seeing cool things I never ever noticed, I started taking pictures of random things.

I find myself going back to those pictures and just filling up with gratitude.

Something about numbering my steps is doing a number to my heart.

This scripture keeps being played on repeat in my spirit,

Teach us to number our days,  that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

When we begin to number things....we begin to see the brevity of life.

Like, when we have birthdays. (mine is coming up, just in case you forgot! heehe)

Or, when we start paying cash for everything. You begin to realize how quickly it goes! (it is true, try it)

God's Word tells us in that Psalm that we actually gain wisdom when we begin to number things.

My son told me about a football player, Kirk Cousins, that created a tower of stones. Each month he takes a stone out of the pile and discards it. It is a reminder that he will never get that time back.

He learned this from a Sunday school teacher using the same verse from Psalm 90:12.

Here is an excerpt from what he said..

As Cousins removes a stone each month, the feel of it in his palm is a reminder of the time passing. But it's the questions that come with each stone that perhaps carry more weight.
"What impact are you making, not only today, but for eternity? What impact are you making to leave a legacy?" he says.
He pauses.
"It's just a healthy reminder, make life about other people, invest in other people, knowing that in the end, that's a life well-lived," he says.
You can find the full article here. 
What a wise young man. 
Let's put this scripture to memory. Let's hide it away in our hearts to remind us the importance of numbering.
I will leave you with a few random pictures from my phone as I was walking my 10k steps yesterday. 
How will you start to number your days? 
Sun peaking through the clouds 1/16/20

My 3rd child, Bo.  1/16/20

These boots shoes are made for walkin'...

The speed limit around our high school..random

Pretty in pink.

counting and counting, 



Even when it hurts...


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