Arise, Shine.....

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"Let your light shine before others." Matthew 5:16

As I was walking my dog, I found myself praying. Asking God again and again, "what is my purpose in this season, Lord?"

Recalling the long lengthy voice message to my prayer circle sisters earlier in the day, tears welled in my eyes. I had asked them for the one millionth time to pray that God would show me my purpose.

Have you been in this place?

Maybe life has always been crazy and dizzying and now you find yourself in a quiet home.

Or maybe your life has always been organized and happily predictable and now you find yourself in the spin cycle with kids, husband, dogs, work, and laundry.

I have now been on both sides.

And BOTH sides I found myself asking the same pondering question..."What is my purpose?"

I hesitated to write today because it seems the theme is the same. The season remains and it just seems it is getting old with the same song and dance as I write.

But, I also know that I am not alone. There are many of you that feel the same way.

The enemy would love for us to stop talking about it. To just shut up and keep it all inside. Buried deep in the dark.

The enemy loves the dark.

Jesus brings the Light.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1:5

The enemy desires to extinguish us. And not just physically. 

He wants to suck every ounce of purpose and desire and community and joy right out of our lungs. 

He wants us to live in complete darkness. Hiding our gifts. Hiding ourselves.

The biggest affront to the enemy is to shine in the darkness.

I know first hand how easy it is to melt in the dark.

To lose hope and joy and faith all in one fail swoop. Or diagnosis. Or loss. Or divorce. Or disappointment.

I have had to FIGHT myself out of those thoughts. And yes, I do mean FIGHT.

Like a mad woman I would paste scriptures about Joy all around my house. I would say them out loud in my car and in the shower.

I thought so many times....I don't even know if  joy is possible....but I need it to be.

Earlier this year a friend gave me this scripture and I go back to it over and over.

Today, I want to share it with you.

It has been the LIGHT in the days that are dark.

It has been the HOPE when I have landed face first in hopelessness.

It has been the JOY when my heart was cold and lifeless.

“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
    and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
See, darkness covers the earth
    and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
    and his glory appears over you." Isaiah 60:1-2

Friend, are you looking for your purpose?

You are in good company. 

As I was asking God these things on my walk, I felt this compulsion to go home and write. 

So, here I am. 


What is it in this moment that the Lord is asking of you?

It is probably something simple. 

Take the step. 

Change the diaper. Fold the laundry. Sing a song. Write a song. Visit a neighbor. Cook the meal. Call the person. 

Purpose is wrapped up in the smallest of tasks. 

Lord, help us to remember this. 

"Light shines on the godly, and joy on those whose hearts are right. May all who are godly rejoice in the Lord and praise His Holy Name." Psalm 97:11

finding purpose,



When you need HELP....


Shut my mouth....