Pray and Obey...

For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven...Ecclesiastes 3:1

This is the year of change. Change everywhere around me.

My parents recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. 50th! I clearly remember my sister and I hosting them their 25th anniversary party. I was barely out of highschool.

Joseph, my oldest child, will graduate high school this year. When I began writing here on this blog, he was beginning 5th grade. Yep. Wow.

Lem and I celebrated 20 years of wedded bliss in September.

I cannot seem to keep up with the changes.

All of them good, but changes none the less.

I have been really trying to be intentional with how I spend my time, and who I spend my time with.

I do not want to miss a moment with my family. Not one.

However, I also have had this pull to do something new in my own life.

I have been a stay at home mom for the past 17 years. I love every second of it.

My nest will be one egg short beginning this Fall.

God is preparing a new path for all of us. I trust Him, but sometimes it is hard not to look back and long for yesterday.

He is ever so kind and gentle though. He slowly leads and He is good.

I began taking yoga classes about a year and a half ago at a local gym. My doctor had told me that it was the best exercise for women over 40 and that it was really good for anxiety.

Soooo, I tried it.

I hated the first class. I felt like an idiot. "Never ever coming back" were my exact thoughts.

However, I did go back because I liked the way I felt after. Stretched, and calmer.

I became friends with my yoga teacher. She is a few years younger than me and her children are small. I looked forward to seeing her every Tuesday, and I began using my yoga mat as a prayer altar.

I prayed for my yoga teacher every single minute I was in her class. I did not know at the time what her beliefs were, but I knew God was prompting me to pray over her. In a big way.

That Fall, my Tuesday morning bible study rolled around. I had done this study with my friend Becky for years. I headed to the first class of the season, and I felt a nudging in my heart. A nudging that I was not supposed to be going to that bible study.

I called a few friends and talked it out with them. It just did not make sense. I knew I had a tugging in my heart, and it was from the Lord.

But, why? Why would the Lord want me to continue going to this yoga class instead of my normal Tuesday morning bible study?

At the time, I had no idea. I just knew I needed to continue going to yoga on Tuesdays. I did not question it, I just obeyed the Lord.

As all of this was happening, I had another friend asking me to pray for her daughter. She was desperate to find her daughter a parapro that could fill her daughter's needs in the classroom. We prayed and prayed and prayed together.

A few months later, I walked into my yoga class. My yoga teacher informed me that she had gotten a new job and would not be teaching at the gym anymore.

I was devastated. I loved my friend/yoga teacher!

She then let me know the reason she was leaving....

She had taken a job at a local school---she would be a parapro for a very special little girl.

I could not believe my ears. What?

I had been praying for my friend/yoga teacher, while also praying for my friend and her daughter to find the perfect parapro fit.

Look what God did there!

I was stunned. And happy. And just in awe of God's work.

Also, through all of this, I had been praying for an opportunity. A small part time job, just to help with the finances. Something that would not require me to be gone at night or when kids were home from school.

I was asked to teach the yoga class.

I am not kidding.

I had no certification, but I did love yoga.

A week later, I began teaching.

A few weeks later, my friend Melissa, encouraged me to pursue YogaFaith training.

A few months later, and lots of reading and learning-- here I am. A certified YogaFaith teacher!

It all began with a prayer on my mat. A prayer for my yoga teacher. A prayer for my friend who needed help with her daughter.

A giant leap of faith by not attending the bible study that I dearly loved and going to a yoga class instead.

God had it all aligned. So perfectly.

So, yes. Changes.

Many changes.

Oh, but you guys. He is so faithful.

He is always working on our behalf. Planting seeds along the way that we will one day be able to see.

Prayer changes everything.

I am currently teaching 3 YogaFaith classes a week. It is just so much fun. Doing what I love the most--Worshiping Jesus, Praying, Reading my Bible, Being with friends, and exercising! Only God could have made all of those come together just for me.

He is so so so faithful!

Are you in a season of change?

Trust Him.

He is already preparing you for the next step.

Obey. and Pray.

Pray. and Obey.

Delight yourself in the Lord,and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

praying on my mat,



Pray and Prepare....


When you don't know what to say....