Dear SHINE Girl,

Dear SHINE girl,

Happy New Year! Can you even believe it is 2019? Goodness gracious. Weren't we just ringing in 2018?

Today marks 7 years of this SHINE girls blog. SEVEN!

If you have been on this journey with me since day one, God bless you sweet friend. And I truly mean, God bless you. You have seen the ups and downs and ins and outs of my life for the past 7 years. Some good and some not so good stuff.

Thank you all for sticking with me. Even through months and months of dry spells. You, dear friend, have hung on with me. I so appreciate you.

When I look back on the early days posts, I often cringe. I have opened up, no I have sliced open, my heart to all of you over the years.  I have left my insides on the pages of this blog. I know it must have been a lot to take in at times...goodness.

The desire of my heart from the very beginning was to read God's Word together. To grow together. To learn together. To hold each other accountable...together.

This has not changed. One single bit.

Although I do not post nearly as much as I used to, I still think of all of you so often. Remembering your sweet words, prayers, and encouragement.

Since Instagram became a thing, I started slowly writing on that platform. It is just easier at times, and faster.

However, my heart will always be here. On this site.

I am going to continue to write to you, if you will let me into your sweet world.

What a privilege it is to have you here as a reader. It is truly an honor.

This year, I am starting a new reading plan. I have purchased the Daily Walk Bible by Tyndale.
 It is a one year devotional Bible. Each day has a reading--beginning in Genesis.

I will post from time to time what I am learning. If you would like to join, I would love to have you. We have several friends on our Instagram page joining. I hope you will too!

My deepest desire is that no matter what reading plan you decide will daily meet God in His Word. Friend, it will change you.

When we meet with Jesus every day, we begin to look more like Him. Sound more like Him. Love more like Him. It is just inevitable.

I am praying for you. I am praying that God will show you great and mighty things this year. I am praying that you draw closer than ever to His Throne.

Seven years. I cannot even believe it.

Thank you for your friendship over the years. I could cry my eyes out thinking of the prayers we have prayed over each other through the years. Truly, it has been the best thing to ever happen in my spiritual walk.

I would love your feedback as we read along. Join me here or on our Instagram account @shinegirlsshine or @lemandjill

You are oh so loved.

Happy New Year, precious one.

Seven years and counting,



In the beginning...


What rules your heart?