Do you remember?

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Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. Philippians 2:3-4

Since my children were little we called Monday's, "Mission Monday". We would look for an opportunity to serve someone. Usually a neighbor.

As the children get older, we forget about Mission Monday.  Life gets hectic. Schedules get crazy. Homework gets out of control. [can I get an amen?]

Every blue moon I will say, "it's Mission Monday! Find someone to bless today!" Honestly, I do it more for a reminder to me. To get out of my bubble. My to-do list. My self-centered life.

However, when I do take the time to stop and do something for someone else, I am filled in such a beautiful way. Suddenly, my to-do list seems manageable. My bubble seems silly.

Serving opens our spiritual eyes like nothing else. Serving allows us to see how Jesus sees.

Gosh, I want that more than anything.

I want eyes like Jesus. I want to see what I so often miss when I rush around looking down, looking inward.

We all desire to be intentional, don't we? I believe we do. We just forget. We get busy. We move on.

So many times in scripture, God tells us to "remember". He sure knows us well, doesn't He?

Not too long ago I was going through a spiritual battle. A battle that about knocked my lights out. Yet, I heard the gentle whisper of Jesus saying to me, "Remember my Faithfulness."


How quickly I had forgotten the many, many times He had rescued me from myself. From fear. From anxious thoughts. From the enemy's lies whispered in my ears.

During that dark season I read over my prayer journals from years past. Desperately searching for a jog to my memory regarding His Faithfulness.

It didn't take long for me to find it.  Prayer after prayer answered. Some answered in days, some in weeks, some in years. But, answered none the less. In His way, and in His time.

How quickly I had forgotten His faithfulness.

What is it that you want to be intentional about?

Make it a priority.

Put a note on your calendar as a reminder.

Ask someone to hold you accountable.

Do it with your children.

A few things come to my mind of things I want to be intentional every single day about...

  • Reading God's Word
  • Prayer
  • Being a helping wife
  • Being an encourager
  • Being Kind
  • Serving others
These seem like they would be easy to remember...but they aren't always easy when life gets tough and hectic. 

We have to be intentional. We have to make it a priority. We have to remember. 

I encourage you to remember today.  Remember what you want to do with your life. Remember who you want to be. 

And do it.

back to mission monday,



In the Weeds....


I have a thorn....