It's Time....

SHINE Reading Plan: Go Here

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews  4:12

Good morning. Welcome to a new year. And a new you.

What's new, you ask?

This is your year.

Your year to finally start reading God's Word.



Inhaling it like you inhale your morning coffee, or hot tea.

Exhaling it back out, blanketing it over a cold and weary world.

The world needs you to be fueled up on God's Word. Desperately.

Unless we heed the call of His Word, we are no different than this world. We start to blend in when we don't consistently stay in alignment and in agreement with the Words of our Father in Heaven.

We become stale. Our fruit no longer is ripe.

All the church sitting in the world won't change a stale heart.

Only fresh bread each day from the oven of God's Word will sustain us. Strengthen us. Bring us to life.

There was a time...6 years ago.  I made a decision to read God's Word. Every single day.

I knew it would not be easy. I knew I needed major accountability.

I emailed a few friends. They agreed to read with me.

That email began this blog.

God breathed His Words every morning into my heart and used my fingertips to write.

He was waiting for me to say yes. My whole life.

Waiting for me to trust Him and get to know Him.

Waiting for me to finally be all in. Not just tiptoe in and out from time to time.

Accountability was key.

Knowing that other friends were reading with me, kept me in the Word.

However, after time, I began to crave His Word. Every morning.

I would roll out of bed and before my eyes were even open, my Bible was open.

The Lord meets me every morning, still.

But, I have to show up.

How about you?

Will you show up this year?

Will you daily meet with Jesus and let Him breathe His Words into your heart?

Your family needs you to meet with Him.

Your work needs you to meet with Him.

Strangers you run into day to day need you to meet with Him.

They all need what you will pour back out onto them.

Words of Life. Words of Hope. Words of Love.

Reading God's Word is the only way for this to be possible.

Y'all, we can't fake our way into being His Disciples. We can't just dress up real pretty and play the part.

It's a heart change.

Then, it becomes a mouth change. And a hands change. And a feet change.

We begin to go the Way of Him and not the ways of the world.

People will notice. People will want the peace they see. People will want the joy they see. People will want the radiant glow that comes from time spent with the Lord.

'Those who look to Him are radiant, their faces are never covered with shame." Psalm 34:5

Friends, don't let another year go by not being in God's Word.

Reading devotionals and blogs are not the same as time spent on your own in His Word.  Encouraging facebook and instagram posts are also not the same. These things are helpful in our walk, but they are not what our soul truly craves. Devotionals spur us on and encourages us...

God's Word breathes life into us. It feeds the deep hunger of our soul.

"Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4

Make a decision today to go deeper.

To drink the living water from the Well of God's Word.

You will never be thirsty again.

drinking up,


*If you need a place to start, go to our SHINE Reading plan at the top of the page. Print out the reading plan schedule and tuck it into your Bible. It's a good way to keep you on track.


Me too.....


Let it go...