Before you shop....

 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

Today is Cyber Monday.

Online shopping will be crazy today. Deals, low prices, and sales.

Today begins the mad rush before Christmas giving.

Well, actually, Friday began the mad rush. Possibly even Thursday....for some of us.

Listen here, though.

Lean in close...

Don't get sucked into the world's version of christmas. [yes, with a lower case c]

The world will never celebrate Christ. The world's version of Christmas will fill us with debt, overspending, indulgence, guilt, regret.

Since when did we make Christmas into something other than Holy?

Since when did the size of our checking accounts determine the size of our "merry" at Christmas?'

Yes, giving is a part of Christmas.

But, not when it becomes a debt we cannot afford to pay.

A debt that takes our eyes off of Christ, and on anxiety and worry over bill paying.

Let's determine to be a joy to be around this Christmas instead of a big spender.

Let's determine to love those around us by being present, instead of feeling the need to buy an overabundance of presents we cannot afford.

Let's determine to show Jesus in how we love instead of how much we spend.

Let's determine to be still. To rest in Christ. To rest in contentment.

Joy is contagious.

Joy does not come from the world, but from Jesus.

Joy saturates our hearts when we seek to celebrate Jesus instead of the world's artificial form of Christmas.

Let's make our lists...

But, let's include the gifts that only come from Jesus..

Love, JOY, Gentleness, Patience, Self-control, Peace, Forgiveness.

Let's let it be our mission to represent Christ this Christmas. Not in how much we spend, but in how much we love.

For ever dollar we spend on gifts, let's spend an hour with a loved one. Being present. Listening. Looking them in their precious eyes.

Inhale the Joy of Jesus this Christmas.

Exhale anything that is NOT.

Sometimes the best gifts are the ones that don't cost a penny.

joy finding,



Hello Matthew...


Shut my mouth....