Please stop talking...

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My morning routine consists of coffee, bible reading, and then consciousness. It takes coffee and Jesus to get me conscious. Obviously. 

Lately,  I've been reading a chapter of the New Testament, a Proverb, and a Psalm.

The Proverb that I read each day never EVER fails to convict me. Did I say EVER?

Like, today.

Proverbs 17:28, "Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, discerning if they hold their tongues."


Hello out there?

You still with me?

I had the same response after I read it too.

I mean, what do you say to that little dagger? Definitely nothing to say.

It actually makes me not want to talk at all. Maybe we could learn sign language and the world may be a much more peaceful place?

Seriously. It's something to think about.

My mind swirls to the many, many times I have talked too long. Said too much.

Each time I do, it is followed by a knot in my stomach. My mind repeats the words over and over in my little blonde head. I want to rewind time like I used to rewind my blockbuster videos before turning them in.

Women like to talk. Well most women anyway. If you don't you're just weird.

Totally kidding. Actually, if you don't like to talk I admire you and envy your wise self.

But, for talkers like myself, we can get ourselves into deep manure if we are not careful.

We can talk too long and we can talk too much.

Scripture proves that we need to heed some discipline with our word count. Take a look at this little doozie..

Too much talk leads to sin. Be sensible and keep your mouth shut. Proverbs 10:19

As I begin to ponder [and be convicted] by this scripture, I thought of some reasons why I tend to talk too much at times.

-proving my point -i.e. pride
-uncertain of what to say, so I just said anything...i.e insecurity.

I could go on, but for the sake of your precious time and my precious ego, we will stop here.

Bottom line, ladies...

Let's think before we speak.

Let's pray before we respond.

Let's be okay with awkward silence as opposed to foolish words.

So, on that note, I will end with few words as to not look foolish...

 goodbye in sign language.



There goes my heart.....


Don't look back...