Your Greatest Assignment....

I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11

When we "hide His word in our heart" as Psalm 119:11 tells us, our insides change. We breathe in the scriptures, and we exhale His truth. Something marvelous begins to happen in our souls. We are renewed, refreshed, and encouraged to "keep going".

His words will bubble up and remind us of His Promises and His Truth when the world is trying to convince us otherwise.

"Lord you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure." Psalm 16:5

As we dive into this scripture today, let's look at the word "assigned".

Good ol' Merriam-Webster defines "assign" as this: to give someone a particular job or duty : to require someone to do a particular task

So, when we apply this meaning to our verse, it tells us that the LORD gives us our job and tasks. We don't decide what we do, HE does. Not only this, but He "requires" us to do this particular task.

I'm not sure about you, but this causes my shoulders to release a whole lot of unwanted stress and tension. He is in charge of me. Not the other way around.

As women, we are task masters. We have or daily to-do's and we hit the door running most days.

What a fresh breath of sea salt air to know that God Himself is the One really in charge! Sure, we can make plans, we can dream dreams, we can set goals.....

However, the Word tells us this: "In His heart a man plans his steps, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9

Y'all, surely you hear that freedom bell ringing in the background. THIS is PROFOUND if we really start to absorb the truth of it all.

On days when I sleep through my quiet time, when I forget to do something I had marked down on 3 of my calendars to do, when my laundry makes me want to go into the corner and suck my thumb for hours, when I have to tell my kids for the MILLIONTH time to be nice to each other....

I can say to the Lord, "Lord, YOU have assigned me this life! You knew the kind of day I would have. You foreknew my melt down at Publix because my daughter rammed into the back of my heels with the buggy 4 times! You knew I would come home to a boat load of dirty dishes after a long day!"

When we grasp the peace in this scripture, we begin to see the grace in all of it.

  • We see our Heavenly Father with us in the dirty laundry.
  • We see Him with us as we try to make sense out of a checkbook that seems to never balance in our favor.
  • We see Him in the loud mornings with our children, when all we want to do is hit our knees in the bathroom and cry our sleepy eyes out.
  • We see Him at the job that we are tired of going to, day in and day out, as we daydream for better days.

Girls, He has assigned us this life.

He will use us to further His Kingdom, exactly where He has us.

It may not look like what you imagined, maybe even far from it. Oh, but don't you think for one second that He doesn't have a master plan working on your precious behalf.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Y'all, you can take this with you to the BANK. He is working for GOOD in your life.

Even through our darkest hours, He is working to bring together His perfect assignment for our life.

Who are we to argue?

My new prayer for the last few weeks has simply been this:

"Lord, Your will be done on Earth as in Heaven"

When I wake up to fussing children, "Lord, Your will be done today."

When I am confused about which path to take, "Lord, Your will be done in this situation."

When a relationship is strained, "Lord Your will be done in this."

When life just seems too overwhelming, "Lord, Your will be done."

Really, there is no better way.

He has given us an assignment.

Instead of arguing with Him over our assignment, let's thank Him for what He's doing through it. The lives that will change forever because we allowed "His will to be done."

The very next line in that scripture reads this: "You have made my lot secure." Psalm 16:5{b}

Security. Who doesn't want some of that?

Thank you Jesus for our assignments. None is greater than the other. We are all a part of Your master plan as we carry out our tasks each and every day. Your will be done, Lord. On Earth as in Heaven.

resting in my assignment,


[original post 7/16/14]

How can it be.....


Puppy Love....